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"Why is it so dark... Ohm.. Ohm .. where are you..."
Where am I......"
Nanon can see he is in dark room without anyone.
He can slightly see A tall figure is coming towards him.

"Who are you?? Ohmm.... Ohm ...."

"Who are you?"

Suddenly a spot light in him. And another spot light in another corner of the room showing Ohm handcuffed and tied in to the chair.

"Ohm .. Ohm ... Ohm . ...."

Nanon started crying while trembling and get up from the ground and
tried to run to him . But someone held him firmly in his wrist stopping him.
When he turned around it was Joss who was holding him with a smirk. Nanon started to shout while crying,

"Let me go.... Please... Ohm.. Ohm ..."

Nanon tried to free himself but Joss holding him tightly while laughing like psycho.
Nanon is trying so hard to freed himself while calling Ohm.

"Ohm... Ohm.... Please help me.... Ohm...".

When he freed himself and ran to him but at that instant a gun shot sound can be heard. Nanon covered his ears in fear while trembling. When he again looked at Ohm, he is laying in pool of blood in ground.

"Noo... Ohmii..... Ohmiii...."

While shouting Nanon tried to run to him . When he tried to reach him he couldn't get close to Ohm because Ohm is going far away from him.

"Noo.... please... Ohm..... "

"I love you my angel. Be strong....."

It's the last thing he heard from Ohm before his spot light off and there is only him left alone.

"Noooo....... Ohm........ Ohmiii...... OHM...."

Nanon... Nanon... Someone saying his name can be heard.

Nanon opened his eyes while panting and trembling and sit up in bed.

Milk is there holding him in his shoulder with a concerned look because when Milk was there earlier she saw Nanon mumbling Ohm name while sweating. She was scared about Nanon and called him to wake up from his bad dream .

Milk:" Non... Non.... Are you okay...?"
Don't be afraid.... I'm here..."
Milk said while squeezing his hand softly making him calm down.

When Nanon see there's no Ohm in room he started to freaked out.

Non:" p' Milk...Where is my Ohm... Ohmm... Where is him... Ohm... Ohm ....."

Nanon shouted thinking he will be heard and come to him. But no response from Ohm. It makes him feel more feared.

Milk:" Calm down Non. Just please calm down. He is here. Don't worry.... Did you have a bad dream...?"

Non:" yeah phi.... I'm scared about Ohm. please phi.... Call him right now . Please.... Tell him to come to me. Is he downstairs. Please tell him to come to me. He promised to not leave me even for a second . Phiii.... Phiii... Ohmiii....."

Nanon again started to call him .
Milk is in a terrible situation because Nanon wakes up in just 4 hours and Ohm is still not here. She doesn't have any choice other than to lie to Nanon. Because she can't let Nanon know about the actual truth so she said cupping Nanon's face drawing his attention to her,

Milk:" Listen Non... Ohm is fine. Ok? It's just a bad dream. Calm down na ..."

Non:" I know but I want to see him right now? Tell him to come to me. No... I'm going downstairs. "
Nanon tried to get off bed. Milk firmly hold him in his shoulders saying,

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