Can't Go 🫠🥺

451 33 17

Nanon and Ohm laying on the sofa while cuddling and watching TV.

Milk is on call with Love for almost an hour.

Drake came towards Ohm with frowned and eyed him that he needs to talk with him alone.
Ohm get what Drake is trying to say then he eyed to wait outside.
Drake nod and went outside.

Ohm looked at the smiling cute figure snuggled into his chest while watching TV . Ohm holding Nanon with all care and love . Then he kissed Nanon's forehead drawing his attention to him.
Nanon smiled and looked at him with his puppy eyes.

Ohm:" umm... Baby.. I have to take a call to my father about... er.... Working related stuff.. can I go ...?
I will be back in minutes naa...."

Nanon looked at him with raised eyebrow and asked,

Non:" Then take it here...phi... I will not bother you.."

Ohm:" er .. it's not the case baby... I.... I.. just forget my phone in room. So I have to get it . That's why.. "

Nanon again looked at Ohm with a frowned and suspicious look then touch his pocket where his phone located.

Non:" It's here ... What is now??
What is your secret planning... Huh??"

Ohm smiled sheepishly because he caught red handed.
Ohm quickly pinch Nanon cheek and said,

Ohm:" No baby... er..... ..I ....I just wanted to go to wash room...I need to pee... Hehe..."

Non:" Are you sure phi ? You are not lying right ? Why didn't you said it earlier Ohmii".

Ohm:" Because...I .... I wanted to get that call too . I have two jobs.. hehe ..... So Wait here my baby I will come quickly naa..."

Nanon looked at Ohm with sad pouty lips. Ohm Kissed his pout and his cheek respectively making him smile.

Non:" Come fast na...."

Ohm:" Okay... my Love..."
Saying Ohm get up from the sofa and went towards the outside where is Drake is now.
Drake who see Ohm is coming towards him said,

Drake:" I thought I would have to wait here forever..."

Ohm:" I can't come as you wish idiot...
Now what do you want to talk . It must be an important thing if not.."
(Ohm said in his warning tone)

Drake:" yeah... yeah it's so important... Nik called me and said Joss has more cases against him not only here also USA. He somehow escaped from there. He already found out he already has some cases here too. Threatening , rape, drug dealing so many cases against him. But he did manage to escape from all these. Looks like he isn't easy catch. However We can't stay here forever. We have to take action against him quickly. Nik said he wanted to meet us . And top of that your father is even calling to me
nonstop asking where are you . He is extremely impatient to give his position to you and retire.
He keeps questioning me. What do we do now?"

Ohm let out a heavy sigh while ruffling his hair in irritation.

Ohm:" I don't care about anything. My only priority is the safety of Nanon. Everything else is next to it. About paa.....
( Sigh) I will call Papa... and take care of it. Tell Nik to gather all the evidence, cases against him and tell him to find anyway to lock him up. Inform him to we will come to meet him soon. It's the all I need to happen right Now. We have to wait until Nanon is okay. I can't take any risk taking Nanon there again."

Drake:" I know. I can understand. Nik said he is already collecting evidence and everything against him . He asked us to meet him for further steps. Especially
N' Nanon safety is the most important matter now. But it seems to be we can't do anything from here."

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