Coming to you 😢🥺

547 33 25

Sorry for the delay update guys 🥺🙏

Previous chapter

N:" I can't lose this time. Hold on Nanon. A little while... Ahh... Can.. I ..
My.... Ohm........."....

Nanon eyes almost closing and he is now verge of collapse. Suddenly he can feel shake in his arm and someone calling,

Man:"Hey ,hey, boy . Are you okay?, hey?"

An middle aged man who is on his way to bus saw Nanon who is swaying left and right and struggling to step forward. He comes towards Nanon while talking to him shake his arm to take his attention.

Man:"Hey boy are you okay? Can't you walk ?, Are you injured?"

Nanon can see middle aged man through his blurred vision with difficulty. Nanon can't collapse here. He knows if he remained here more time he will get caught So Nanon quickly asked,

N:"Sir... c..can p..please me to get on ..b..bus. I..I'm not feeling well. I .I want to go home. Can you please help me?"

That man look at him with brief smile then step forward him saying,

Man:"Ofcause dear. I will help you,come"

Saying he take Nanon's arm in his shoulder and helped him to get on bus. Nanon slowly walked with a limp towards bus.
Then Nanon get on bus through help of that man and seated. He feels so relieved in bus without getting caught.

N:"Thank you so much Sir for helping me"
Nanon said to that man with light smile feeling so gratitude towards him.

Man:"It's nothing dear, Are you sure you're okay, you look like beaten and you're also injured.
(Looking at his leg with questionable and curious expression)

Man:" I think you need to go to hospital immediately. Is anyone bullied you or......( With questionable eyes).....?
Let me know kid. I will try to help you young boy?"

Nanon gulped down his lump formed in throat. Then he looked at him with tensed face .

N:"No, sir,'s j..just I w..was injured leg in.. err.... when.. I.. home.. a . little.. accident...
N.. nothing.. more..y. Yeah ....That's a..all.. These..are.. l.. little injuries... I .. can.. take care of them.. at home sir... I'm.. perfectly fine.. sir.. yeah...."

Nanon was so nervous so he talk with him while shuttering.
That man listened to Nanon with frowning eyebrows. Then he let out a sigh.

Man:"Hmm. If you said so Son. If you need any help tell me. Don't be afraid."

N:" Okay sir. Thank you so much for
Helping me."

Nanon needs help but he can't entrust Ohm safety to another one he doesn't even know . He knows how evil is Joss other than anyone . He can't be late.
Nanon lightly smiled at him but at that moment he saw his parents car is passed away. He quickly bent down fearing they will see him.

That man looked at him with confusion because of Nanon sudden move.

Man:"Are you Okay son?"

Nanon looked at him with confused look
N:"Hah ..? Ah yeah. I'm okay.

Man:"Hmm. Okay"

Nanon slowly straighten his back and lean on seat while lose in his thoughts.

(Nanon in mind***Maa and Paa left. That means that bastard will find about I'm not there anymore. I have to go quickly to my Ohm. If not joss will Executing his devil plan. I will not let him touch even a single hair of my ohm. I will take my ohm away from this bastard.)
(Ohhhh..... My pain in body and head killing me. I can't even feel my leg now. Shit.... Ohm please be there. Be safe love. I want you baby... I want to feel you.. your warmth.... Your love... I will not let anything happen to you. My love ...... . I feel like.. I'm...I.. ..)

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