Surprise 🎉🥳😍

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#Happy TripleN day..!!!! guys!!!

One Month Later

Drake:" Nong, where are you? I'm at parking lot.

Non:" I'm coming Phi... I'm on my way."

Drake saw Nanon and waved at him who is coming outside from university gate. Nanon smiled back while coming towards him.

Drake:" Here , you are.. Let's go."

Non:" Ok. Phi , but why p'Ohm didn't answer my calls from morning. Is he that much busy?"
Nanon asked with a disappointed face.

Drake:" Ahh... Em.... yeah. Actually you know after Ohm Papa retired last week everything is on his head now. So he is usually busy the whole day . Today he is so busy that's why I came to escort you to him. "

Nanon pouted sadly and humm in response then get on the car.

They went silent without any talk because Nanon is sulking because he doesn't get more attention from Ohm like in the past .


Ohm didn't even leave him for a second weeks ago. They lived like a married couple .
All those weeks Ohm takes Nanon's to his condo and takes care of him every day.

Their families started to get close to each other again. They visit eachother house and everything back to the state of their past. Nanon is also pampered by Ohm's family and Nanon's family welcomed Ohm as their son too. Now Nanon is hafly shifted in Ohm's condo because he has his own belonging their beside Nanon's house. Also Ohm's house became his new house too.

Last week Nanon cast removed and Ohm took care of him until he is fully recovered in physically also mentally.
Ohm took care of him and showered him in love. Specially Ohm pampered his baby so much and spoiled him lot.

But unfortunately their lovely dovey life started to fade away from them Four days ago when Ohm stepped on the CEO position of his company. Now he is super busy from that day with meetings and works . But still he finds out time to come to Nanon's university in time to take him and bring him to Nanon's Home or Ohm's home or to their condo.Also to drop him in university every morning. But today is really special for both of them. But it turns out to be a bad day for Nanon.

Yesterday Ohm left Nanon in his house after that Ohm only called him once . Nanon tried to call Ohm in the middle of the night but Ohm didn't answer Nanon's calls until now. He didn't even come to pick up Nanon but inform Nanon's father to drop him in his university. Nanon was gloomy all day with this silent treatment.

He hoped Ohm would call him once but no... Ohm didn't even call back or answer his calls. Now Drake is here to take him . Nanon is now super sulky because of that. He was so sad and disappointed with Ohm because his attention is not with him now also this silent treatment making him so angry and gloomy. He sadly pouted while lost in his thoughts while in way to Ohm.

Speaking about Joss he is still in police custody with his ongoing cases investigations. His cases increased one by one. Drug dealing, murder attempts,also the girls who he forcefully taken advantage step towards filing case against him. He was well captured and locked in police . All these weeks his cases are heard in court and still ongoing. His judgement will come soon. Also he is still trying to reject his wrongdoing and seeking for revenge so
He is so furious and looking for out. But Nik personally looks for his cases to assure he will not be able to escape from any way.


Drake drives slowly towards Ohm condo without telling anything. It's already evening. When they arrived Nanon snapped out of his thoughts looking around realising it's Ohm condo.

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