Nickname 😹😆

880 45 6

O:(I can't believe I even cry for this )

(He is looking at me giggling, cute.)
(Oh my poor heart can't take this anymore)
(When he is smiling I can see his cute dimples ,i want to have a bite of those cute dimples )

)(Oh my poor heart can't take this anymore)(When he is smiling I can see his cute dimples ,i want to have a bite of those cute dimples )

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

( Ohm lost in his thoughts)

N: "phi..."

O: "Er... Ah so Nanon,
Mm... you will give me a chance,
"You can't change your word
(Again I'm pleading)

(He again giggle and hold my hand)

N: "Phi, what I just say is true. "

N:"And that's what my heart wants too"" (with shy smile)

N: "But if you keep questioning I will feel sad, you don't even properly introduce yourself too. (While pouting )

O: "(Oh he is so cute )
(Woah ...... )

O:(He is right I didn't even introduce myself.I Just jump on him saying I like him
What a idiot I am)

O:"Ah... Hehe.... Sry.... "
" I just afraid you will be gone like that day" "I just forget everything"
" How reckless I am"
" Sry Nanon"

O:"Well, I'm ohm pawat , I'm 24 years old
I already finished my engineering degree.
Working in my Papa's company for a while"
" I'm with my parents and my sister "
"And that idiots are my childhood friends " (continuosly saying without breathing)

N:"Wait phi' ohm you are not in interview."
" Just take a breath.I'm not going anywhere right now"

N:" I want to know about more of yourself not other stuff.what you like dislike and more realted stuff to you" ( with shy smile)

O: (ohooo.... He only want to know me well. Not my status[ In mind]. I'm so lucky to even met a pure soul like him .my soulmate)
O: ( keep smiling and staring at him)

N: " If you only keep staring at me then how about I give introduce to you about myself? "

O: Not like that non, I was just happy hearing that. Because you only interest in me. (With teasing smile) .so tell me about you na....

N: ( with shy smile) Ok phi,hmm.... " I'm Nanon korpat, I'm 21 years old "
" Second year of financial batch in

N: "I'm only have my ma and paa.
I wish I have sibling but unfortunately I don't " And I like every kind of food"
"I'm particularly food lover ." Heheee ......

(Ohm in mind* ohoo......... my cutie pie his smile is so adorable)

N: " I think that much Will be enough for now phi. Na...
N:(He just looking at me with wide smile
He always lost in his thoughts)
( I will not able to understand this puppy )

O: " I wanted to know all about you but for now that's will be enough. I will know more about you in future when I'm with you like clingy puppy "
(Nanon just laugh hearing ohm)

Love At First Sight ❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ