❤️Love at first sight

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Ohm pov

( Seriously, I am not dreaming right?
He is here ,Infront of me
Am I this lucky?..
I can't believe my eyes)

( He offer me a coffee )
(Wow my cute kitten )

(I will not slip this chance again
I must tell him)

(Will he be scared?
He will definitely think I'm crazy)

( I don't know anything anymore
I don't want to think about anything anymore)

(I just wanted to tell him I was fall for him at first sight)

(Will he believe me?)

(Please God help me)........

(Oh shit.... these idiots come whenever I'm in important business.)

"Hey ohm is that boy?"

(He looks at them like he was scared")

(Ofcause, he must be scared bcz my idiot friends are like gangster squad )

(This world is bad place for inocent ones like him .
So he must have crazy thoughts right now )

(I just hold his hand he looks at me with shocked mix feared face)

(I have to relax him and confess to him before it's late again.
if I miss this opportunity I will go crazy for sure.)

(Let's ditch this idiots quickly)

( I will not let go this valuable chance)

( I give my friends a deathly glare
I think they just understand what I mean, idiots)

(Oh ....my non is going
Wait babe I will get you today)

(I walked after him and sat beside him where I first met him)

(My treasure bench)

(Ohm pawat focus )
(Be brave)

" I want to confess to you
I like you first sight"

( Oh idiot ohm pawat why did you just tell him like that)
( His face look shocked)

( Oh idiot he will be running away
... Wait I will not lose you this time)

"Hey just listen to me okay na.... "

( I'm almost begging)

(He just nod)

( I'm feeling so happy
He will listen to me.
I will not get slap this quickly... phew....) (Sigh in relief)

O: "Actually I looking for you here since last day I met you "
(with awkward smile)

O: " I just wanted to talk with you,
That day you left so suddenly"

O: " I just.... Ah .... I don't know how to say this ... I' don't even know you will believe me or not...."

O: "But I'm truly saying this .... from bottom of my heart
First time I see you .... "
O: " I don't know what I feel... I never feel this way,
"I don't know how to turn this feelings to words....

O: "Please believe me
I think I fall for you at first sight"

O: "Actually I approached you that day because of my friends crazy dare"
"But from the moment I saw you I think
I fall for you "
O: That day onwards your face is only in my mind"
" Please don't be angry just ...."
(. I'm feeling so nervous)
"this is my first time to confess to someone saying that I like)
(plz god help me)

N: ( What did he confessed to me that he likes me)
(At first sight..... Woah ... Unbelievable)
(So cute)
(He almost pleading)
N :(Is this idiot think is he the only one who feels like this, I have thinking about him too)

N :(But I can't tell him that,
But I want to reassure him I Will not be angry,)
(Because here I am feeling much happy)
(I held his hand)

N:(He looks at me with teary eyes)
(What .....does he going to cry
No .......
It ache my heart seen his tears)

( I wiped his tear who is threaten to fall In corner of his eyes)

N:(He looks at me like shocked
So cute)

N: "Phi, I can understand what you are saying but.."

O: (Oh noo...is he going to reject me no plz no....or is he have anyone.... Oh plz don't....)

O: " No .... please don't tell me you don't like me or have special someone
Just give me a chance plz.... plz...."

N:((Ohh this cute puppy
He can't even get a rejection
So he don't let me finish what I'm going to say
Ohh...... What a idiot)

( look at ohm with serious face)

N: "Just listen phi,

O:[Oh.... is he going to reject me....
no.... at least I want to know him]

O:"If you're not interested or going to reject me plz don't do that right now..". Plz... Let's just try to be friends na... So we can keep knowing each other"

N:(Oh I'm losing my patience here. He didn't even listen to me ,keep talking )

(non look at him with serious face again )
N: "Phi, ."

(ohm try to talk so non cover his mouth using his hand)

N:"Phi just listen"
" I don't want to be your friend
And I'm also not going to reject you
Or else I don't have any relationship too"
" but I think I found a special one"

( oh he is looking at me like lost puppy cute...)

N: "I just wanted to tell you
Even I don't know you personally but I wanted to give you chance "
" I'm also ..."

( Suddenly he hugged me)

O :(Oh what I'm hearing is true or is this miracle?)
(I'm feeling so happy)
( I'm feeling like I'm in heaven)
My baby...... )

O: " Thank you thank you so much
I'm so glad that you understand me"
" even thought about rejection is painful"

(. Smiling widely and hugging his angel)

O :" Thank you so much non"
N: (Oh...he already given me a nickname)

(He loosen the hug and wipe his tears and looked at me)

N:(. I'm actually shocked but I'm so happy too)
(Even I don't know him well)

( But actually I think fell for him at first sight too)

( Is this what called falling love?)



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


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