He is back😓😭

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N:" W... what are you doing he..here?".......

" Joss..."

J:"Yeah your Joss

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J:"Yeah your Joss. Did you think I will not come back for my non. Can't I come here Non?"

N:" Don't call me that name. Where is my parents.?"
(Nanon is now distressed seen him.)

J:" They're are not here. They come home morning and went away again. I waited for you from morning my love."

N:" You fucking shit. Shut up!!!!
I don't want to hear my name even in your shity mouth. I don't want to talk with you. Get lost."

J:" Did I come here from USA to see you behave like this. Is it because the one who you now dating?"

N:" I don't wanna talk with you .
I'm going..."

Saying Nanon turned and try to open door quickly. But Joss quickly pull Nanon aside and swiftly push door and closed it again and locked it using top lock in the door and looked at nanon while smirking.
Nanon look at him with boiling anger.

N:" What the hell are you doing?"

J:" Why ? I'm making you stay here."

N:" No, I don't want. I want to go. I don't even like to see your face for a second. "

J:" Ohh... You wanted to Go for that idiot who you fucking kiss in that car. "
Do you think I will not get to know about your fucking lover?"ahh???...."

Saying he hold Nanon hand tightly making him flinch in pain.

N:" Don't even try to say something about him . You motherf*cker."

Saying Nanon try take his hand from Joss hold but he tighten hold and grabbed nanon's hair making him scream in pain.
N:" ahh...."

J:". How dare you called me like that?"

Saying he slapped Nanon hard making his lip bleed. Nanon also fell on floor because of heavy slap. His past trauma is triggered with that hit.

His tears rolling down continuously. He was in pain but most hurting is he missed his ohm. He wants his ohm, his warmth , his love ,he fucking missed him and extremely longing for him.

Joss then try to come towards him. Nanon backwards in floor trying to get away from him.
Joss hold his leg and drag him closer to him while holding his wrist.

J:" Baby don't cry. I didn't mean it. you make me angry . Why can't you understand. I'm the one you must love .

Nanon slapped his hands away.

N:" Never.... I will never love someone like you. Bastard.."

Joss again slapped him and hold his wrist very tightly making it bruised.

J:" Why? Is that bastard who come with you already fucked you? Is that the reason? Do I have to remind you what can I do? It's look like you want a reminder...."

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