Jungkook shook his head quickly, grinning and pulled him into a hug. Yoongi rolled his eyes, reluctantly hugging him back. But everyone knew how big of a softie the grumpy cat was. Jimin laughed at their bickering. They walked along the pretty road for a while then returned to the car park.

They went to the Maze Land for shits and giggles. It was not crowded luckily. They headed to the largest maze. Kiara ran ahead of the group.

"Okay, so I propose a race. The last couple out pays for everyone's lunch. Alright?" she asked.

"Fine. I'm thinking it'll be Jin Hyung's treat today!" Yoongi smiled.

"Absolutely not. It's my birthday, you guys should be treating me as I am blessing you with my handsome face!" Jin rolled his eyes. "We'd better win Joonie."

Jungkook locked hands with Tae.

"Wanna get a free meal?" Tae asked, smiling.

"Hm, I'd rather eat you instead," Jungkook winked. Tae nearly choked on air and smacked his arm.

They got together at the maze entrance.

"See you on the other side bitches!" Jimin yelled, charging headfirst inside, dragging Yoongi along.

They parted ways, splitting into twos. Tae kept pace with Jungkook's large strides. They laughed as they ran, enjoying themselves.

"This is so childish!"

Jungkook stopped running, facing Taehyung. They'd hit a dead end.

"Is it now? Maybe I should have partnered with Kiara since you're such an adult."

Taehyung's smile dropped. He pushed Jungkook back.

"Dare you say that again," he pouted, nostrils flaring.

"Or what, baby boy?" Jungkook asked, his voice deliciously low and husky. He stepped ahead and Tae retreated against the hedge. Jungkook's breath hit his lips and their eyes met.

"Would you punish me?" Jungkook whispered, mischievously. He began kissing Tae's neck, earning a pleased whimper.

"What would you do Tae?" He spoke between each kiss.

"I'd kiss you till you forgot her name," Taehyung said breathlessly before he tugged Jungkook's neck and captured his lips in a heated kiss.

Jungkook picked him up easily, the kiss deepened and became a full blown makeout session, until they were both panting. Taehyung's knees were weak.

"As much as I love you, I love food more so we gotta at least make it in second place, so come on," Jungkook chuckled.

They both ran towards the other direction. Eventually they found a path and made it out. To their surprise, nobody else was there.

"We're first? Or did they get tired of waiting for us and left?" Tae asked looking around.

"I don't think so."

"Looks like we're not the only horny bitches here. I'm just surprised we didn't run into anyone?"

"They probably occupied the other dead ends," Jungkook laughed.

"Should we go check?"

"Nah. I'd rather not get mentally scarred."

They clicked a few selfies instead. Tae made a particularly cute one into his lockscreen. They sat on the bench near the exit of the maze, eating ice cream because Tae wanted to.

Second couple were Jin and Namjoon. They were followed by Bright and Kiara, then Yoongi and Chim.

"Damn, you both were out first?" Bright frowned. "Thought you'd be sucking faces in there."

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