yes i've saw all the pictures, videos you guys made and i've gotten your guys messages, even your threats. i'm gonna be completely honest with you i don't want to entertain the subject but it's getting out of hand. me and javon aren't together he didn't cheat we never dated. yeah we where talking i think i'm not even sure. but no he didn't cheat he isn't my boyfriend and i'm not his girlfriend. i'll admit i was a little hurt but that's not my decision if he's with other girls that's his decision and yes as much as i never thought this would happen. i hope he's happy. with that being said please drop the subject or don't i don't care, just don't post me into it and don't message me. i really don't want to hear it. 
                                              Love Isabella Romano💙
reading that hurt javons heart more and more. but the fact she's been getting threats and tagged into post she doesn't want, that's what hurt him the most. she hopes he's happy? he's not he'll be happy with her! he turns off his phone not before taking a screenshot of the story, he makes his way out the hotel parking lot to the school. he gets there 5 minutes before the bell rings where isabella parks is crowded so he parks on the side of the road and when jaden and their friend comes he's gonna go to where isabellas car is.

jaden comes with Evan and their other friend carl.

"where you been." jaden ask getting into the front seat.

"he's been cheating on his girl." Evan said. laughing a bit.

"first of all i'm single and second of all you guys seen it too." javon asked them before getting ready to drive where isabella should be hoping to see her.

"everybody saw it your the talk of the school, i heard some girl ask isabella about it and isabella said she's gonna slap the fuck outa her if she doesn't get out her face." carl said recently knowing isabellas name when he told jaden about it he called her javons girl until jaden let him know her names Isabella.

"i'm guessing she got asked about it a lot cause she wouldn't have said that unless she was annoyed." jaden pointed out.

unknowingly hurting javon more and more with the conversation. all he wants to do is see her and hopefully make it right. obviously him not knowing she already left the school with her new friend.

Javon seeing her car not there after he drove to where she parks he gets more frustrated. why can't something just work in his favor today! he left the parking lot ready to go to her house before he noticed her car driving to dutch bros. how did he recognize her car? cause he's fuckin crazy for her and memorized her license plate. not all of it just the last four numbers. which is still crazy but he followed her from afar. noticing she got not one but 2 drinks. who's she with?

he followed her from afar as she drove the opposite direction from her house to some one else's house. not understanding where she was going cause he knows she doesn't hang out with other people. he wouldn't admit it but he was mad as fuck she was going somewhere other then home. is that toxic? crazy as fuck? maybe but he didn't care. all he wanted to know was who's in the car and where they going.

as for isabella she was almost at giselle's house when giselle asked her; "can you grab my daughter for me i have no shirt on and i prefer for no one else to see me in my bra,"

"uh if your mom lets me, i'll for sure grab her for you." isabella responded. almost completely sure she wouldn't let her take the baby without knowing her.

"yeah no i'll call her right now and let her know i'm in a black tesla and my friend isabellas gonna grab alyssa, cause my shirt is soaked in dutch bros." Giselle said and picked up her phone to call her mom.

always been you| javon walton Where stories live. Discover now