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"Marc what the bloody hell did you do?"

"¡Eres un gilipollas Marc!"

Marc just ignored them and sat at the end to the bed. "Just leave me alone...both of you"


Carlos walked into the bar and sat down. "I'll have the strongest one you have" he sighed and the bartender nodded pouring him a drink then handed it to him.

Carlos took a big sip of the drink and he quickly finished the drink. He hated drinking reminded him of his father before he decided to change. He took another drink and soon finished that.

He sat there sighing and thinking. Did Marc mean what he said? Or was he just mad.

Carlos sighed as grabbed a couple of beers and stumbled slightly out of the bar. He leaned against the wall taking sips of his beer. Should I go back to the apartment?

Carlos sighed and shrugged at his own thoughts and walked towards the apartment. He finished his last bottle and threw it to the ground before walking into the apartment.

He slammed the door shoot and headed for the kitchen. "Where have you been Amor?" He heard Jake ask.

"Out now stop asking questions!" Carlos slurred and stumbled into the kitchen.

"Our drinking Amor?" Jake asked and Carlos looked at Jake.

"If I was it's none of your fucking business!" Carlos snapped at Jake.

"It is my business Amor... because I love you" Jake said going up to Carlos and Carlos scoffed pushing him away.

"You don't.. none of you do. You all just use me like some sort of toy. It's like Harrow said I'm just being fed like lamb to slaughter and there's nothing I can do to get out of it" Carlos explained

"No that's not true Carlos.. we do love you" Jake told Carlos and he just shook his head.

"I shouldn't have came back here...but I have no where else to go.." Carlos sighed and sat on the floor and Jake sat next to him.

"Jake can I tell you something.." Carlos turned to look at Jake.

"Of course anything Amor" he replied looking back at Carlos.

"I killed them...I burned the house... I killed my own sisters...but I didn't want to" Carlos sniffled and Jake pulled him into a hug, "he made me... he made me do it.. and it hurts Jake... all the pain and suffering..it hurts and it's killing me..it's too much but he won't let me stop"

Jake didn't know what to say or what to do. He's never good at comforting people. "You can't tell anyone Jake.."

"I won't Amor I promise" Jake kissed Carlos' head and carried him to the bed.

~•Lamb to slaughter•~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora