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"Jake! Jake wake the fuck up!" Marc yelled from the reflection as Jake groaned and looked at Marc.

"What!?" Jake sighed looking at Marc tiredly.

"Carlos is gone" Marc told Jake and he jumped up looking around.

"Amor?" Jake asked hoping for a reply but nothing. Then the front door opened and Jake looked at the door.

"Maahes.. I did what you asked now fuck off and leave me alone!" Carlos yelled slamming the door shut and sighing.

"Amor? Whats wrong?" Jake asked Carlos stepping closer to him.

"Don't..just don't Jake!" Carlos snapped pushing past Jake and headed to the bathroom. He grabbed his pills that he had to take but never really did. He looked around and didn't see Jake so he opened the window and climbed to the top of the roof.

He sighed closed his eyes and instantly seeing the people he's killed. He didnt mean to or want to but something in him snapped and he killed them. All of them.

Carlos opened his eyes and looked at the pills in his hand. He opened the tube of pill and he took them... all of them. He stood up and walked towards the edge of the roof.

"Carlos... Carlos baby back away from the ledge.." Carlos heard Marc speak.

"Go away Marc... let me do this...let me end it..I'm just a lamb to slaughter.." Carlos mumbled looking down and Marc walked a bit closer.

"Carlos baby get down and we can talk about it" Marc told him.

"Nothing to tell...the truth is I'm a cold blooded killer and a poison to everyone around me..the only way to cure the plague is to destroy it from the root source.." Carlos mumbled, his vision going blurry as he dropped the empty tube of pills.

Marc looked at the empty pills then Carlos. Marc pulled Carlos away from the edge. "Shit Carlos what did you do?" Marc asked helping Carlos back inside.

Carlos' breathing started to become unstable, his vision blurred and Marc put him on the couch. Carlos pushed Marc away and got up. The room suddenly started spinning and Carlos tried moving to steady himself. Marc was saying something but it was hard to understand him. Just mumbles. Carlos stumbled side to side falling onto the wooden table hitting his head.

"Carlos!" Steven yelled running up to Carlos. "Shit..marc is he dead?" Steven looked at his reflection.

"No he can't be"

"What's wrong with Carlos?"

"I..I don't know..marc what's wrong with him?" Steven sounded concerned, worried. Marc stayed quiet.

"Marc what happened?" Steven asked again. Still nothing. Steven sighed at marc and picked Carlos up carrying him to the bed, gently placing him down. Steven sat next to him running his hands through Carlos' hair.

Couple of hours later Carlos groaned moving ever so slightly making Steven jump. "Love.." Steven looked at Carlos, his eyes were still closed and he was taking deep breaths.

Carlos slowly opened his eyes and looked at Steven. Carlos felt his body ache he was to tired to move and speak. "Love..? What happened?" Carlos looked at Steven slowly and thought for a while.

"S-Steven I'm..I'm sorry.." Carlos stuttered quietly as he nuzzled into him.

"Shhhhh.. it's alright love" Steven whispered running his hands through Carlos' hair. Carlos still took deep breaths and coughed sitting up moving away Steven and kept coughing.

"You okay love?" Steven asked and Carlos nodded and coughed more bringing up some blood onto the sheets.

"See your weak! And soon you'll be slaughtered"

Steven got up and went to Carlos. "Shit love that's not okay.. your going to die.. shit you can't die if be lost oh bloody hell you probably have some disease or something" Steven started to panic and cry.

Carlos pulled Steven into a hug. "Steven...Amor calm down..I'm not going to die...I'm fine okay don't worry about it..."

"Best clean the mess up"

"Oh fuck..yeah sorry I..I didn't mean to.."

Steven smiled kissing Carlos' head and took the sheets and changed them. Steven and Carlos cuddled for a while.
Carlos then put his head in the crotch of Steven's neck.

Carlos kissed Steven's neck nuzzling into it more. Steven wrapped his hands around his waist pulling him close to him. Carlos found Steven's sweet spot on his neck getting a softly moan from Steven.

Carlos bit Steven's neck slightly making Steven whimper slightly. Carlos grinned himself against Steven letting out a soft groan.

Steven put his hands under Carlos' shirt making him gasp from his cold hands. "Sorry" Steven smiled.

"It's alright Amor" Carlos pulled away from Steven's neck and kissed him. Biting Steven's bottom lip getting a whine or a moan from Steven.

Steven gripped Carlos' side slightly taking off his shirt kissing his neck then down his chest. "Steven.." Carlos groaned grinding himself against Steven's thighs letting quiet moans escape his lips.

Steven's hand traveled down to Carlos' pants. Sliding his hands into his boxers stroking his did slightly, Carlos moaned softly. Carlos looked at Steven and he quickly took his hand out. "Sorry...I ummm..caught in the moment.." Steven stuttered.

Carlos smiled and bit his lip slightly looking at Steven. "No..no it's fine..but ummm.." Carlos stuttered moving away from Steven but Steven pulls him back. Carlos felt his cheeks heat up and his face going a little bit pale.

Carlos looked at Steven his face bright red. They stayed there in silence for a while until Marc fronted and roughly kissed Carlos. Carlos knew it was either Marc or Jake.

Carlos pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. "Marc..?" Carlos asked and he nodded and leaned closer but Carlos moved away.

"I...I think we should talk.." Carlos spoke to Marc.

"Yeah..after.. not in the mood to talk" Marc whispered leaning closer to Carlos kissing down his neck to his chest. Carlos bucked his hips forward grinding against Marc slightly.

Marc moved forward pinning Carlos to the bed. Then Carlos coughed and Marc moved away and sat him up straight.

Carlos continued coughing making him gag afterwards. Marc looked at him "I'm...I'm fine.." Carlos gagged and Marc shook his head.

"Your not.. is it because of the pill you took... what were they? And how much did you take?" Marc asked and Carlos looked at him and didn't answer him.

"How much did you take?" Marc asked a little louder and Carlos still didn't answer.

"How much?!" Marc yelled making Carlos flinch slightly. Then Carlos stood up.

" you wanna know how much? All of it! And you should have fucking left me alone!" Carlos snapped

"You know what maybe I should have! Maybe next time I will! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad!" Marc yelled back. He didn't mean it but Carlos never knew that. Why did he say that? . Carlos looked at him tears forming in his eyes.

"You know what Marc...Fuck you!" Carlos yelled before he slammed the door shut and walked away from the apartment.

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