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Couple months later (marc and Steven know about Jake's existence)

Carlos woke up on the floor in the apartment. Shirt covered in blood his hands and he couldn't see anything else. He jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Locking the door.

He looked at himself in the mirror his face covered in blood. He didn't even recognise himself. He quickly took of his shirt and turned the tap on and started scrubbing the blood on his hands and arms.

"Come off...come off... come off" he mumbled to himself scrubbing until his skin was red raw. He then heard a knock on the door.

"Love? Are you alright?" Steven asked from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah...yeah..." Carlos stuttered still scrubbing his hands and arms. Steven tried opening the door but failed.

"Carlos why is the door locked?" Steven asked sounding concerned and worried. Carlos sighed unlocking the door and Steven opened it.

"S-Steven I-I don't...I-I-I don't know what happened..." Carlos stuttered and looked at his hands and arms which were bright red. Still having some blood on them.

Soon stevens expression changed. Marc. "Hey baby it's alright.."Marc whispered going up to him.

"It's not alright! I didn't want to kill anyone! He made me! Made me into...into a killer!" Carlos snapped pushing Marc away. Marc sighed as Carlos bursted into tears.

"Your weak! This isnt how I trained you!" Carlos heard Maahes' voice in his head. Carlos sighed sitting onto the floor hugging his knees.

"Shut up!" He snapped covering his ears. Making Marc look at him.

"That's no way to speak to me! I raised you! Show me some respect!" Maahes yelled making Carlos flinch and tried to cover his ears more. Marc knelt down next to Carlos.

"mi amor, no puedo con esto... por favor... por favor mátame..." Carlos sniffled and begged marc, looking at him with glassy eyes. His expression changing once again.

"No... I won't and it's okay take a shower okay and I'll make some lunch" Jake said kissing Carlos' forehead then leaving the bathroom.

Carlos done what Jake said and when he finished he grabbed one of Jake's shirts and just got some clean boxers and went to Jake wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Feeling better Amor?" Jake asked turning around to face him. Carlos nodded. "Foods almost ready Amor" Carlos smiled. Then Jake dished the food out on the plates and carried them to the table and placed them down.

Once jake and Carlos they immediately stat eating. "This is really good" Carlos spoke with a mouthful.

"Gracias mi Amor" Jake smiled and once they finished they watched a movie. Carlos coughed and snuggled into Jakes side. Jake smiled wrapping an arm around his waist.

After a while Jake fell N asleep and Carlos carefully stood up and gently kissed his forehead. "Good night mi Amor"

"Are you ready now?!"

"Sí" Carlos nodded and headed to the door and left.

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