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Horns honked. Traffic stuck in traffic great. "Where's Steven?" Marc whispered.

"Marc.." Carlos mumbled. Then Marc and the taxi diver spoke in Arabic.

"Where are you taking me?" Marc asked in English.

"You are said airport." The taxi drive told Marc.

"Airport. Carlos did you know?" Marc asked looking at Carlos, who didn't know what to say.

"Wait, wait, wait. Stop! Stop! Stop, stop! Stop, stop, stop!" Marc yelled as he spotted the people from earlier, Marc got air the taxi as it stopped in the traffic.

"Let me talk to you." Marc yelled over the honking cars.

"Just let us go, man." The teen stuttered as they ran off.

"That wasn't me!" Marc yelled over the taxi driver who just wanted money, Marc followed them.

"Marc.." Carlos whispered as he followed Marc. By the time Carlos caught up to Marc he was at some stalls.

"Where's Harrow?" Marc asked hitting the guys back off the wall, "Where is Harrow? Tell me!"

"Marc. Marc, that's enough." Steven whispered through the reflection, then another guy "knocked" him out.


Blood squelched as the knife slid out of the guys body. "What? Oh, my God. Oh, God. Steven, what did you do?" Asked all confused while Carlos sat near a rusted car talking to Maahes.

"I swear. That wasn't me." Steven told Marc just as confused as he was.

"Then who was it?" Marc asked looking around and there was a slight groan, Marc looked. It was the teen.

"Where's the tomb?" Marc asked but the kid just scrambled back.

"Take him to the ledge." Khonshu commanded.

"He's just a kid." Marc spoke softly

"He'll talk." Khonshu told Marc. Marc sighed grabbed the kid up by his collar pulling him to the ledge.

"Where is Harrow? Where is Harrow?" Marc asked but the kid just looked at him.

"Praise Ammit." The kid muttered before cutting his scarf, falling to his death. Marc gasped.

"Mmm. I thought he'd talk." Khonshu mumbled.

"What the hell's wrong with you, Steven?" Marc asked as he walked past Carlos who's zoned out.

"Me? You're the one going on a killing spree. I didn't do any of this." Steven replied with sounding offended.

"Me neither." Marc told him.

"Listen, if you've got a problem with the body count, I suggest you stop listening to that stupid pigeon." Steven told Marc.

"Stay out of my way." Marc grinned through his teeth, walked over to khonshu.

"Well, if we can't find Harrow's digging crew, we're gonna have to stop 'em another way." Marc said then looked at Carlos, "right Carlos? Carlos!"

Carlos snapped out off his little trace and looked at Marc, "hmm?"

"Doesn't matter...So? What about the other gods? Are they just gonna stand by and allow somebody to unleash Ammit?" Marc asked looking back at khonshu.

"Well I am definitely not!" Maahes roared making Carlos jump.

"To signal for an audience with the gods is to risk their wrath."khonshu told Marc.

"Why?" Carlos asked.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Marc asked looking at khonshu.

"Anger them enough and they'll imprison me in stone." Khonshu explained.

"That doesn't sound so bad to me." Marc scoffed.

"See how you fare against Harrow without the protection of my healing armor." Khonshu told Marc.

"All right. So, what?" Marc asked looking at khonshu

"Do you have any good ideas?" Carlos asked as he played with the sand looking up to khonshu.

"I have a bad one." Khonshu sighed as he disappeared.

"Khonshu?" Marc asked looking around, then the wind whistled as the sky changed.

"What are you doing?" Marc asked khonshu, looking up at the sky.

"Sending the gods a signal they can't ignore." Khonshu told Marc. Marc sat next to Carlos.

"Carlos... I just want to tell you that ummm..." Marc looked at Carlos then noticed the cut on his arm, "wait you got hurt?"

"It's nothing it's just a scratch, what we're you going to say?" Carlos asked looking at Marc.

"I well....I..." Marc stuttered how did he tell Carlos that he liked him, he loved him.

"It's okay don't push yourself... tell me when your ready" Carlos smile slightly he was going to say something but Marc interrupted him with a kiss.

Carlos moved his hands to the back of Marc's head, deepening the kiss. Marc pulled away wanting to go further but stops himself.

Marc looked at Carlos and he slowly moved his hands from the back of Marc's head and blushed and smiled.

"does that answer your question from earlier?" Marc asked looking at Carlos.

"Y-Yes.. yea it does...kinda...I mean I guess " Carlos stuttered blushing still, looking at Marc. Carlos smiled again, quickly kissing Marc's cheek quickly before quickly getting up and ran, giggling a bit.

(A/N- current date is 13 January 2024. When I wrote this I have no clue what the fuck was going on)

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