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Then khonshu appeared. And started talking to Ammit. "My path is set, same as anyone's. I'm here to bring balance."

"You speak of balance, yet you choose him. Your Avatar is a sinner!" Khonshu yelled to Ammit.

"You're jealous of his loyalty." Ammit said making khonshu and Maahes scoff.

"Loyalty at what cost? An empty world for your disciples to inherit?" Maahes explained to Ammit.

"Don't listen to him. He only wants to keep you bound." Harrow told Ammit.

"Oh, Khonshu, for a God, you are low on faith." Ammit told khonshu.

"You'll never learn." Khonshu told him as Him, Ammit and Maahes started fighting.

"Tell me to spare you, and I will." Ammit said clearly beating

"I choose obliteration over mercy."Khonshu spoke as Ammit kicked him to the wall and khonshu felt something, "Marc?" Khonshu whispered and disappeared.


Carlos and Harrow fought until he noticed a figure flying close. Marc. Carlos Stop to look but he was kicked in his side. Stumbling down the pyramid.

Marc and Harrow for a while then went to Carlos. "Carlos...Carlos baby answer me...please" Marc shook Carlos, there was no reply.

"Marc...do you think he's dead?" Steven asked as he fronts.

"No he couldn't be" Marc replied fronting again shaking Carlos again slightly. Carlos coughed slightly, struggling to open his eyes.

"M-Marc?" Carlos stuttered, "is-is it you?"

"Yeah.. yeah it's me" Marc smiled putting his hand on Carlos' cheek, "now let's get you up somewhere safer..."


Marc looked around and saw someone as he gently put Carlos down. "Layla?"Marc asked as Layla swooped down.

"Marc. Thank God you're okay. How did you get back?" Layla asked looking at Marc. Before marc could answer steven fronted and the suit changed.

"Wow, you look amazing. What are you wearing?" Steven asked looking at Layla then he turned around to see Carlos in his suit. Steven ran up to Carlos and hugged him.

"Oh thank god your alive love" Steven smiled, Carlos smiled back and looked at Steven. God he looks hot in that suit. Then Carlos got a bit lost in his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about love?"steven asked looking at Carlos.

"I ummm..well...nothing.." Carlos stuttered feeling his cheeks heat up Steven chuckled slightly.

"Really nothing?" Steven asked looking at Carlos.

"C-can we just f-focus on stopping ammit p-please" Carlos stuttered and Walked over to harrows men and started attacking them. Knocking their guns out their hands and Layla and Steven followed.

Carlos grabbed his daggers and started killing the men. He didn't want to stop...like something inside him just loved the satisfaction.

Steven and Marc was fighting Harrow and Layla was saving people. Once Carlos killed the sat of the people who came at him. Carlos ran for Harrow but Maahes stopped him.

"What are you doing!" Carlos yelled at Maahes.

"Helping you! Your not ready!"

"I am!" Carlos yelled and he felt something hit the back of his head and he slowly slipped into unconscious.


Carlos groaned as he woke up in Steven's apartment. "Morning mi amor" he turned around to see Jake smiling.

"Mi amor" Carlos smiled hugging Jake kissing his cheek.

"Amor khonshu and Maahes has on thing left for us get up" Jake said as when to get up but Carlos wrapped his arms around Jake's waist tightly and placed gently kisses along his neck.

"5 more minutes Por favor" he spoke between the kisses. Jake pulled Carlos' hair so he looked at him and pulled him into a kiss.

Carlos eagerly sat on jakes lap, straddling his waist. Jake pulled away from the kiss and looked at Carlos. Carlos leaned kissing jakes neck finding his sweet spot making him groan softly.

Carlos moved his hips slightly and grinds against him biting Jake's neck slightly making Jake moan softly.

Then suddenly khonshu appeared and cleared his throat making Jake push Carlos off him and sigh. "You have bad timing khonshu"

"You can do this later we have something for you to do"

Jake groaned and got out of bed followed by Carlos. They both Changed and followed Khonshu into a white limbo.

Jake and Carlos sat in the front and khonshu and Maahes sat in the back wearing fancy suits. They were outside a Asylum and Jake left to get something. He came back with Harrow.

Khonshu spoke to him for a while then Jake pointed the gun at him. "Wait let me kill him" Carlos snarled with a slight growl.

Jake looked at the gods and they nodded. Carlos got into the back and Maahes handed him a dagger. Carlos went up to Harrow and held the knife to his throat.

"Killing me wont bring balance to your scales" Harrow and ammit laugh and Carlos pressed the dagger into his neck.

"No it won't but at least I get my revenge" Carlos growled and stabbed harrows side and kept stabbing him over and over in multiple places then slit his throat splashing the blood over his face and the window. Actually he got blood everywhere.

"Excellent my child now you rest" Maahes raised his hand and Carlos' eyes closed and he fell back onto the seat.

Jake looked but then started driving away.

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