High Impact 88: Tag Team Title rematch

Start from the beginning

Zarya: Like you are one to talk either!. You literally are hoping the impossible happens by thinking you can beat me and make the demands happen!.
You may be a good friend to Neun but that isn't going to get you anywhere other than a loss against me!.
Hell, even if you do win then what?. Neun is going to be dragging us down considering that you two may be close, but it is evident she's moreso brains than brawns!
And don't misunderstand me, that is good to have but at the same time when you've got your skill and my strength then the brains are just going to be falling behind!.

Enri: It's been fun to trade words with you and cool that you agree Neun is smart, but again, let me ask you, will you accept the match and the stakes?.

Zarya: No, i won't and that is final.

Enri: Come on!. Why are you so afraid?!.

Zarya:  I'm not afraid of you, i know i can beat you. I just don't want to hurt you who would be useful in our goal and since we won't face off nor join because i won't accept your match challenge, then there is no point in me staying here.

Enri: Excuse me?. You literally are the reason we are here!. If it wasn't because you let those words of Jin Sakai and Sekiro change how you looked at Neun, then we wouldn't have lost our titles nor be here!. So no, you DO have a reason to be here, either you accept my challenge or i am not letting you leave!.

Zarya:  First off, you won't be able to do that. Second, even if things go your way, you are just screwing yourself over even more sticking with Neun!. We'd be essentially stuck in a cycle of never getting titles even if we win here and there and without those then we can't intimidate the enemies out of our home cities!. Listen, as much as you're starting to piss me off, you are not worth being screwed over by Neun so let me go and we won't have to interact ever again. We all got the same goal, just i'll get to it faster than you two.

*Zarya then tries to exit and Enri grabs her by the arm before the former just arm drags her away with Enri ending on her feet as Zarya quickly escapes as she tells Enri "we are done!" and Enri just looks angry at her and says "we'll see about that" as the segment concludes*

3- *We now see on a room with two mini sofas Lucy and a male interviewer face to face as Lucy gives the latter a handshake before the two sit down once again*

Interviewer: Thanks for having this sitdown with me Lucy.

Lucy: It's a pleasure, what do you want from me?.

Interviewer: Simple, some questions heading into the Women's Title match at No Way Out. Let us start with not why you think you're winning since considering your opponents it is clear you're the odds on favourite, but rather what Buddy commented on you being kind to her despite in your words saying you aren't the nicest right now.
Essentially, why are you so nice to Buddy yet harsh to Ana, shouldn't you be the same to the two of them considering their similar situations?.

Lucy: I was expecting that question, listen, i get i am not the most popular woman in UCW considering my track record but that doesn't mean because i am like this, that i am a cold individual.
Just because i say and prove that i am what i say i am, it doesn't mean i can't be kind to others.
It is moreso a "not be kind all the time and get beaten" if you catch the drift.

Interviewer: I get that, however, what makes Buddy different from Ana?. They both would have the same chances of winning and yet you don't care about both having a shot at winning. As a matter of fact, you are in this situation because you costed Ana that one match against Buddy so you weren't going to give her a shot at all.

Lucy: Understandable doubt. However, just because i can still be like this, it doesn't mean i will just hand people title shots when they shouldn't be having them. After all, Ana only has ONE victory in UCW, ONE. Why should she have a title shot after winning a match that wasn't even contenders which she didn't even do!.

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