88: Snotlout's Angels

Start from the beginning

"Did you really just say that to me?" Astrid said lowly from the other side of the wall.

"Yes?" Snotlout squeaked. "Please don't hit me."

"Here we go."

"Urgh!" Astrid huffed and stormed out the door.

"I'll just go and talk to Astrid myself." Heather said and stopped as soon as we saw weapons flying out of Astrid's hut.

"No, I'll go talk to her; that is if you value your life." I told her.

* * *

"He really said that?" I gasped and grabbed a sword from the weapons rack in the arena.

Astrid just growled and ran at me, not giving me a chance to even get a feel of the sword. I gulped and blocked then rolled away to distance myself. This was my usual method of calming her down, fighting the rage out. Has it gotten me some injuries? Yes. But it also had a %60 success rate.

We went at it for a while, but it was starting to rain hard and the cement floor was getting increasingly slippery. Of course, Astrid was immune to it but I was only human and a very clumsy one at that.

"You think that, uh, that maybe we could, stop?" I asked and tried to shake my wet hair out of my face.

"Not yet," she said and ran at me again. At that moment lightning struck and help up my sword to defend myself. After the clash of metal and I could see again I was missing half my sword. I looked at the mangled metal and then at Astrid coming at me again. Like anyone of a somewhat sane mind, I yelped and tried to run away. Only to slip and face-plant.

* * *

We sat uncomfortably around the table, well everyone except for Snotlout. I'm assuming he fled but missing dinner, he missed dinner as much as much as I did; which was never. It's food.

I sat wrapped in a blanket, soaking wet from the rain while once again Astrid was immune and completely dry.

"All right, are we all just gonna sit here and pretend nothing's wrong?" Hiccup finally asked.

"Nothing is wrong." Astrid replied, still angry.

Hiccup looked over to me who was half dead with chattering teeth then back to her.

"He should have been back by now. Okay? He never leaves for very long. You know Snotlout. He's too big a chicken."

"Ahem. Hiccup? El pollo." Tuff coughed and gestured to Chicken.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, Chicken." Hiccup apologized.

"Muchisima gracias de yo y Chicken."

"You know there is a chance he got caught in that storm." Fishlegs said. "It's pretty brutal out there."

"Of course, he got caught in the storm. He's Snotlout." Ruff responded. "The only question is do we-"

"You know the answer to that question, and it's yes. Come on." Hiccup nodded at got up.

"Ugh!" Astrid sighed.

"Ugh!" The rest of us sighed not interested in flying through a thunderstorm.

* * *

"Man, this is impossible! It's like looking for a bonehead in a thunderstorm." Tuff said and shielded his face from the rain.

"Is that supposed to be a metaphor?" Ruff asked.

"No, it's reality." I replied, feeling very snug and warm as Spike was a Screaming Death and was realizing heat from his neck to keep me non-hypothermic.

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