Coming home.

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B pov:
We actually stayed longer then 3 days. It's been a month now. I know. We haven't talked to no one but Drew and Davis and the babies of course. Drew called when no one was around. They have all been calling but we didn't want to answer. Jayden said they were trying to figure out where we been and all. We think it's time to come back. And plus we get our casts off today !!!!

*they made it back to ATL*

Davis: *inhales and exhales* it feels good to be back.
B: it does. Let's go get these cast off then we will go to my parents house cause everyone's over there.
Davis: Ight.

*after docs appointment*

Davis pov:
I CAN WALK AGAINNNNN. it took us a minute before we got it but now we even running down these halls. Doc told us we are good as new. We can now move on with that portion of life and go home happy for once.

*they arrive to Alex and Derek's house. Where everyone was*

B: *knocks*
Derek: *opens the door*
Derek: OH MY GOSH !! *hugs B*
Alex: what ? Who is it ???
*B and Davis walk in*
Drew: y'all are finally back. *hugs*
Jayden: I missed y'all *hugs*
Uncles: *all gave hugs*
Simone: I'm glad y'all are back !! *hugs and forehead kisses*
B: it's good to be back.
Davis: yes and guys check this out.
*they step out of the machines and walked*
Derek: y'all's cast are off !!!
B: yea. Our appointment was today. We got them off and they taught us how to walk again basically.
Noah: that's amazing y'all. Well the babies really missed y'all.
Davis: we missed them too.
B: *goes to Alex and reaches for Kayden*
Alex: *turns away*
B: Ykw I didn't come here for this. Maybe it was a mistake coming back here.
Angel: No B. We have been worried sick about y'all. Please don't go.
B: I'll stay.... In ATL. I can't stay here tho.
Derek: come on baby girl.
B: no. She don't want me here then I'm out.
*B walks out*
Noah: well way to go. Mother of the year award goes to..
Alex: shut up.
Derek: no seriously. Our Daughter has been gone for a month and when she gets back and is actually happy to be here. You push her away. I'm gonna go get her back.

*Derek finally gets B back home after some hours*

B: pops. Where is everyone ?
Derek: back yard.
Alex: ... hey B.
B: ... now we talking ?
Alex: look I'm sorry. You been gone so long and not answering my calls. I was mad. I missed you deeply.
B: apology accepted.
*B phones ring*

B: umm imma take this. Give me a minute.
Derek: ok we will be outside. I'm grilling food.
B: ok.

B: what do you want ?
Lil cook: ion want no beef. Let's make an alliance.
B: Ian in no gang cook.
lol cook: I know that. I'm saying we could be cool.
B: sure whatever.
Lil cook: now cause we cool I should tell you this.
B: what ?
Lil cook: I know who hit you and Davis in that wreck.
B: who cook ?
Lil cook: this guy. His name Jerome. He was in our class in 7th grade. 2nd block.
B: yea. I remember him. Why would he hit us.
Lil cook: he said you broke his heart.
B: are you serious ?? He still mad. He the one who cheated.
Lil cook: I can handle it if you want me too.
B: no I got it thank you.

Davis: you good ?
B: yea.
Davis: ok well I got some tea....

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