Am I ok ?

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B pov:
I'm getting dressed and ready for the first time in a week or two. I love going to the studio. I got this long cast going from my waist, down to my toes. And these stitches starting from my shoulder, going down to my elbow. I can't shower how I want to. But im heading to the bathroom to wash up.

B: *crutches get caught on edge of bed. B falls*
B: *groans*
Derek: B!! You ok ?? You need help ??
B: I got it. Im good. I don't need no help.
Derek: you su-
B: *walks in bathroom*

That was honestly a bad wreck. I don't want to seem mean to my dad but I also don't want him trying to help me. Im an independent young adult. I got this. I just don't know how much longer I can put up with this stupid cast and stitches. And these stupid crutches. Anyway let me get ready.

Alex: what happen ?
Derek: she fell
Alex: SHE OK ?
Derek: yep. She hop right back up. She wouldn't even let me help her.
Alex: we'll did she hurt anything ?
Derek: I honestly don't know. I know with stuff like that, she be embarrassed. The whole doing stuff for her. Getting her drinks and anything really, helping her up the stairs, helping her in the car even, she is embarrassed and don't want us waiting on her hand and foot.
Alex: but we have to so she don't hurt herself more.
Derek: exactly. But we should let her try on her own. B know how much she can handle.
B: ok im ready.
Alex: alright. Let's go.

At the label
Paparazzi: B what happen to you ? B are you ok ? B did anyone do this to you ? B? B? B?
B: I was involved in a car accident, not my fault.
Paparazzi: we're you with Davis ? Was it his fault ?
B: I was with Davis. Not his fault either. Thank you.

In the label
*B meets Davis,Drew, and Jayden outside. As they walk in, everyone is applauding*

B: what's going on ?
Ms.C: it's all for you and Davis.
Davis: thanks everyone.
B: *blows kisses*

*phone rings *

B: hey. Wassup Cookie.
Cookie: hey. How you feel today ?
B: a little pain but manageable.
Cookie: I just seen you on the news. You look better then you did in the hospital.
B: thanks. So what you need. A new single, an EP, maybe a interview,or-
Cookie: nun of that. You and Davis need to rest. You sound just like him trynna work.
B: we good. Work don't stop. This wreck done took a lot of things we love away. Like the ability to take a nice hot shower. Please don't take our jobs away too.
Cookie: FINE. I'll book y'all and interview and 5 hours of studio time. I'll call you back.

B: hey guys. Cookie is booking us and interview today and 5 hours of studio time !!
Jayden: ok now call her back and tell her to cancel it all.
Davis: why?
Drew: are y'all the only 2 that don't understand that yall  just got IN A WRECK.
Jayden: y'all can barely walk.
B: so. I'm the studio I sit and record. Or stand in one place. And for an Interview we sitting down.
Davis: you right. We can barely walk. We both are embarrassed by it.
B: you can say that again. I fell this morning.
Drew: you g-
B: don't ask me that. Im forever good until I tell you otherwise.
Davis: right same for me. We know how much we can handle. We can't walk. The least y'all can let us do is make bangers and entertain the folks.
Jayden: y'all right. I'll go tell the grown ups.

Alex: Absolutely not.
Star: yeaaaaa no. Y'all just got into a car accident
Davis: about a week agoooo
B: week ago.
Alex: not funny. No hall not going.
B: this is some bull- *rushed out the door with her crutches*
Davis: why is ? *rolls out in wheelchair*

Simone: they are taking this hard.
Alex: yea. B fell this morning. She wouldn't let Derek help her or anything.
Star: they are embarrassed. They don't want our help.
Alex: they will let us know when they do. But y'all wanna come over. Derek is grilling food tonight.
Simone: of course.
Star: YES !!

*walks out of meeting room*
Alex: umm Jeff ?
Jeff(Carlotta assistant): yes ?
Alex: Where are the kids ?
Jeff: I was told not to tell.
Star: Jeff don't play with me boy.
Simone: y'all look at the security cameras.
*watched kids get in an Empire truck*

The After StarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora