Big question

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Bianca POV
My mom is now officially 5 months. I have Ben avoiding her a lot lately. She either cry's about me not touching her stomach or is mad about me avoiding her or is like real happy all of a sudden. Mood swings. Today when I got him I snuck in and she was right there on the chair.
Alex: hey B
Me: hey mom (thinking ok we got happy mama)
Dad: hey baby girl
Me: dad how was work ?
Derek: it was good Jackson says hi btw. How was scho-
Alex: the baby's are kicking !!
Me: BABIES????
Derek: we went to the doctor today and we are having TWINS!!!
Alex: B come feel the babies kic-
Me: umm. I have a project to work on with Braxton so he is coming over. I got to go get our things ready bye....
I hurried off before anyone said anything else. Shortly after coming upstairs I text Braxton and asked him to come over and tell my parents we are doing a project in English on Edgar Allen poe. He agreed and he is otw. I took a shower and when I got dressed my dad was waiting in my room.
Derek: hey baby girl
Me: wassup pops
Derek: are you ok. You were kinda weird downstairs.
Me: yes I'm fine.
Derek: ok just making sure
Then he left. I got a the group ft call that we all have at the same time everyday. Me and Davis share our excuse we use to go to our rooms. Lol. We then talk about how we never asked our question 2 months ago. So we decided that I would ask my mom what happen on her and my dads wedding day. I did my research and only seen where it was and it's this abounded place with blood stains and yellow tape.

Few hours later

I put in my ear piece and caked the gc. So they can hear everything I'm asking. I then go down stars where my mom and dad was.
Alex: hey baby. How is the project going ?
Me: what pro.... oh that project yea we finished it.
Alex: o..k. Well what's on your mind ?
Derek: yea you seem like something is bothering you.
Me: yea actually so you guys are happily married. So how was you guys wedding??
Silence filled the room and my mom and dad......

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