A child's Place

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B pov:
Boy did I get fussed at. I had to explain everything. They understood where I was coming from, but I'm still getting punished. Y'all they are taking away my my computer for a week..... y'all heard me ? MY COMPUTER....FOR A WEEK. Mannnn this is some Bu—-

Davis pov:
I have never seen our moms that mad ever. We got fussed at and punished. Nobody got it as bad as B tho. They took her whole computer. I'm sorry y'all might not have heard me. HER COMPUTER. Believe it or not but B is a computer geek. She can hack into any and everything. I just got my game taken. Don't tell my mom but that ain't even that bad.

Drew pov:
Wow. Is all I can say. I would have thought we would've gotten worse punishments. Like me having to mow the lawn for a month. I just got my game taken. Not that bad. The only person that really got it bad was B. She built that computer herself with her bare hands. She is probably freaking out rn.

I am totally freaking out rn. What am I supposed to do, build another computer ??? NO. I went dumpster diving for them parts and all. It's only a week but that's too long. I'm all cut up and bruised up from our little "Mission". I think I busted my knee too but nobody has to know that. I might get in more trouble honestly. I have a friend who's dad is a doctor. I made a private appointment for now. So I gotta sneak out.

Doc: so what seems to be the problem ??
B: so I ummm ... let's just say protecting myself and I hurt my knee. Can you see what's wrong ?
Doc: yes but first I need your parents permission.
B: uhhh. You know doc I'm feeling like so much better. I'll talk to you later sorry to waste your time.
Doc: B. Come on, what's going on.
B: I did something yesterday that kinda got me introuble and if I tell them that I got hurt, other then these scratches and bruises, they are gonna do more then take my computer and take away my privilege of hearing unreleased music.
Doc: *gasp* they took away your computer ?
B: yes
Doc: that's low. FINE. I'll examine you.

B pov:
The doc said I did hurt it. But all I have to do is rest, ice it, keep it elevated, and wear a brace. Which is a problem. Man I wish my mom was on good terms with my grandparents. I can just run away ....... Hmm runaway.

Jayden pov:
So B came to me with this stupid idea of running away to New York to find her grandparents.

Jayden: B no.
B: why not. I mean what else is there to do here. Yes volleyball but that ain't everyday. JAYDEN THEY TOOK MY COMPUTER.
Jayden: yes true. But you running away is getting you into more trouble then what you were in before.
B: I'll deal with it. What else could they possibly take.

B pov:
Before he could say anything else I acted like my dad called in an excuse to leave. Then I planned my escape. Tomorrow I would say I'm catching a ride with my friend Makayla and really it will be an Uber taking me to the airport so I can catch my flight to New York. But first I can at least ask what happen right ?

B: hey ma and pops
B: tough crowd. Umm anyway I was wondering-
Derek: NO. no more wondering. That how you ended up on punishment.
B: hear me out.  We all as in me,Davis,and Drew consider Ms.C as like our grandma right.
B: jeez. What I'm getting to is where are your parents ma ? And why haven't I met them ?
Alex: .....B they are not around for a reason. Stay in a child's place.
B: a child's place ?? Ok
Derek: yes. Now sit down and eat your food. It's getting cold.
B: not hungry. This "child's place" is at TT Cots house cause that's where I'll be.
Alex: B!!!!

B pov:
A CHILD PLACE. They don't get it. I'm growing, I am curious. I can admit I did get a bit disrespectful back there but a child's place. Really ??  Anyway TT Cot let me in.

Cotton: So why you here. You not finding answers again are you?
B: no lol. I'm just clearing my head.
Cotton: so you walked all the way here.
B: yes.
Cotton: ok spill.
B: my parents are treating me like a baby. Like a child. All I want is answers but instead I get my computer taken and I can't go to the label.
Cotton: they took your computer ?
B: yes
Cotton: oh wow. Anyway you are their little girl. Their only child. They just love you that's all.
B: yea right. They are barely even home. My mom is either in the studio or at an interview. Sometimes partying. Oh and my dad same for him minus the studio. I'm in that big house 24/7 alone.
Cotton: well good thing your getting a sibling right ?
B: WRONG. A sibling is just someone else I'm responsible for. Cause I'm 14. They are going to expect me to watch it while they do what they do.
Cotton: hopefully it will get better B. It's getting late. I'll drive you home.

*in the next part, B is taking a little trip to New York City searching for answers about her grandparents.*

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