Chapter 33 ~ The Note

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TW: Gore, death, descriptive scenes, blood, weapons

Techno's POV:

The beautiful sound of song birds reaches my ears. How can morning be so beautiful but so annoying because you never want to get up? I don't know what made me feel better about today. Maybe it was because of yesterday, I think that Dream and I could really be something. Since he brought light back into my life and all that.

My eyes fluttered open. Sunlight hit my face as it broke through the gaps in the leaves. I looked to my right to see Niki still fast asleep in the corner of the cave. I smiled, I'm so lucky to have her. Boyfriends are cool, but besties are cooler.

I looked to the left expecting to see the familiar shape of the dragon but he wasn't there. Instead, a small brown piece of paper stood, unmoving, in the place where he was supposed to be. I froze. What was in the note? We didn't have any paper here so it had to be someone else. Someone followed us?

I flinched away from the paper like it was poison. While keeping an eye on it I moved to where Niki was fast asleep. I shook Niki's shoulders, "Niki! Get up, please."

"It's too earlyyyyy for this," Niki groaned and tried to push my hand off. Any other time I would probably laugh at her antics but not today.

"Niki! Where is Dream?" My voice became more strained towards the end of the sentence.

Niki bolted up, looking like she was never asleep, "What?! Again?!!!"

I nodded solemnly and pointed to where the note laid, "That's all that's left and I'm scared to open it." I tried to hold back tears, "What if he's g-gone?"

Niki immediately wrapped her arms around me and whispered, "We don't know that. Just......let me look at the paper."

I released my grip on her and watched as she walked to retrieve the note. Niki sat down in front of me and carefully opened the brown paper, like it was made of glass. As her eyes travelled down the piece of paper I could see surprise, sadness, betrayal, regret, anger, and heartbreak pass through her eyes. Her emotions eventually settled on heartbreak.

"I-....that'," Niki muttered as a single tear slid down her face. I narrowed my eyes at her reaction.

"What is it?"

"Oh Techno, I don't think you want to know."

"Give it."


I reached out and snatched the paper from her hands. It read:


How have you been? Actually I don't care. Who cares about you anyway? Exactly, no one.
So as you may or may not have noticed, your little dragon is gone. He's mine now and
no fancy tricks of yours can save him this time. I've made sure of that. Now, for what 
you really want to hear. You can come find Little Dreamy boy on the backside of your 
home. If you don't know how to find your home from where you are then that sounds
like a skill issue. Bye, safe travels.....oh wait, I don't care.


Frozen. That is what life feels like right now. Can I ever have something decent in this lifetime? Probably not. I can never do something where I don't have to kill people. And I HATE killing people.

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