Chapter 3 ~ Dragon

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TW: Swearing, mention of torture and death, blood, medicine, 

Dream's POV:

I was sitting in the underground bus. I didn't know where I was headed but I wasn't happy about it. I lived in sector 6 for the longest time and I didn't want to be "traded" or whatever Sam was talking about. I've heard a lot about the other sector's. Everyone says how they're ruthless and torture all their hybrids. Those are just stupid rumors...right? I was starting to doubt my judgment the closer we got to sector 4.

Sam, sector 6's boss, was the nicest guy I've ever met. I'm not too sure how he got wrapped up in the system. The Pit was something Sam didn't like, so why is he a sector boss? Only time can tell.

I know I'm the strongest hybrid. I've been in the pit a handful of times since I was brought to the sector house in district 6. I'm 20 years and I've been in the system since I was 13.

Enough about this, it hurt my head. Sam's been acting strange lately, a little more sad than usual. I've noticed that he's been selling a lot of other hybrids. How did I end up on that list? I thought we were good friends, apparently not.

The UBS (Underground bus system :P) stopped in front of an open tunnel. I got out of the car and followed Sam. The driver watched us curiously, he seemed in shock though I didn't know why.

We approached a beautiful sector house. It was white and didn't seem to have a speck of dirt on it. It was truly amazing. Was I going to live in that? I didn't know the sector houses looked like that. The house in district 6 wasn't as nice as this.

Sam politely tapped on the front door. It was immediately opened by someone who looked like a butler. 

"I requested an appointment with your boss," Sam calmly stated. The man gave me a sad look and then disappeared into the house. A few seconds later a ram hybrid came into view. I could sense his strong aura, it seemed on the verge of dangerous. The man gave me a confused look.

"Why isn't he tied up?" The man asked. Sam chuckled.

"Schlatt, I assure you he is well behaved," So the man now has a name. Earlier Sam told me not to speak. I thought it was an odd request but I obeyed anyway.

Schlatt snorted, "We'll see about that."

"I held up my end of the deal, how about you?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, yeah," Schlatt handed Sam a large briefcase. Sam smiled and nodded.

"You can follow me. You can see where he will be staying," Schlatt motioned for us to follow him inside. I walked behind Sam as we moved through the house. I saw lots of different people cleaning the house and carrying trays of food, the house was full of life.

I followed the two men up a staircase and down hallways that all had identical doors. How would I be able to find my room if all the doors were exactly the same?

"Oh before I forget!" Schlatt stopped and dug through his pockets. He pulled out what looked like a necklace, "This is your collar. Don't take it off."

He put it around my neck and I winced at how tight it was. I had to try a little harder to take a deep breath. 

We continued walking until Schlatt abruptly stopped at one of the doors that looked similar to the rest and pulled out a ring of keys. He spent his time looking for the right one then unlocked the door. The door swung open and I peered inside. It looked very gloomy, I wish there was a window. The only source of light were a few candles on a desk near a man who was sitting on a bed. He looked terrified.

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