Chapter 13 ~ Vast

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TW: Car chase, mention of death, mentions of torture, swearing

Techno's POV:

My eyes widened as I fully realized the situation. We're pinched between the guard cars with no way to go. I got into the passenger seat when we all piled into Sapnap's car but I'm now regretting it. We're all holding our breaths just waiting for something to happen. I don't know if this will be the end of us but I really hope it isn't. 

I look over at Sapnap and see that he's wearing a blank face, devoid of emotions. Is he not worried that we're about to die?! I would be worried....fuck, this is bad.

"SAPNAP! You have to do something!! Come on dude!" Dream's voice echoes around the car, making it 10 times louder. 

This seems to snap him out of whatever trance he was in before. Sapnap blinks a few times, takes a deep breath, nods, and sets his eyes on the road. I feel the car jerk forward and now we're somehow moving faster than we were before. I suck in a breath and close my eyes for a few seconds, wanting to believe that this isn't real. I frantically look towards Sapnap, as if he reads my eyes, he says,

"Just trust me."

I don't trust him, at all actually, but at this point I'm forced to. I see that we're quickly approaching the other cars and I brace myself for an impact. I grab a hold of the seats and I'm pretty sure that the others who are in the car are equally as terrified. The system taught us never to trust anyone so I understand their worries. 

I dared a peek and I instantly regretted it. We were less than 30 yards away from the cars and both of us were still going at full speed! I squeezed my eyes shut and expected impact.

But that's not the case. In the final second I feel the car jerk sideways and I go flying into the door, hitting my head on the window. I open my eyes and everything is slightly blurry. I hit my head pretty hard and everything feels fuzzy. I see trees flying past us in the windows, I hear the noises of guard cars crashing after us, I feel the damp leather seat underneath me, and I smell the piney scent of the forest around us.

It felt like a blur. Dream shouting directions and helping Sapnap to shake off the people who were chasing us. I could see Niki trying so hard not to sink into a panicked state. And Sapnap who was trying to keep it together because when I asked him to do this he doubted his ability to drive.

I didn't know what sector we were headed for anymore, logically we'd still be headed towards sector 5 but I'm not sure anymore. I just hope we get somewhere.

I felt my mind slipping away and this time I didn't fight it when my body wanted to shut down.

Dream's POV:

At least there weren't as many guard cars as there were before. But then again, there were a lot before. Niki was barely holding herself together, probably some PTSD stuff and Techno either fell asleep or fainted. Probably fainted, which worries me but currently I have bigger problems.

"Sapnap, how much longer do you think we can do this?" I asked him, "We're going to get caught eventually. Right?"

"Better hope we don't because I don't want to know what Schlatt would do if he found out," He looks determined and sure that we won't get caught. But I'm having some doubts because Techno, probably the smartest person here, literally just passed out.

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