Chapter 14 ~ Moon

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TW: Swearing


Dream's POV:

The woods are scary. Even more so now that we're traveling at night, I was never a fan of the woods. When we decided on this plan I thought I'd have more of a hard time carrying Tech. So I'm pleasantly surprised that he's not hard to carry, I thought I would be struggling. I guess that's also a bad thing because he's so light.

I look up at the dark sky. Most of it's covered by the leaves on the trees but the light that comes through is beautiful. The full moon shines through the canopy and small pieces of its light reach the forest floor. I never knew nature could be so beautiful, especially since I've been stuck in sector houses for so long.

"Are we just going to walk forever? What if this forest is endless?" Sapnap asks me. I'm at the front of our little exploring party. I look back at him,

"Well, we can't walk forever. Eventually we'll hit the Boundary Sea and hopefully the coast line won't be covered in trees. I don't even know what sector we're in so going all the way towards the ocean is our best bet," I explain my plan. Our world is pretty messed up. At the center is the Pit and the sectors are around it. Three at the top half of the Pit and three at the bottom half of the Pit. In each sector there's the house for hybrids that fight in the Pit and a small town, pretty basic economy. Past the sector houses is many acres of forest and at the edge of all our maps is the Boundary Sea. It's said that the ocean stretches to the edge of the world, there's nothing past the ocean.

"So how long do you think it'll take for us to get to sea?" Niki asks. I think she got the worst part of the car crash because she's covered in glass from head to toe. That's gotta hurt like hell. 

"I honestly don't know. I just hope it isn't more than a week because we don't have any food. We could kill animals that live in the forest but don't count on it," I sigh, "Just pray that we don't have to do that."

"I guess we better start praying then because I was told that these forests stretch on for miles," Sapnap grumbled. I smiled at the comment, he's not wrong. No matter how much I want to believe that we won't run into hunger and water problems, I know we will. It's optimistic to think that this will take less than a few days. I guess we'll just have to keep walking.


The sun paints the sky with different shades of orange and pink. Finally, the sun has blessed us with vision. I can finally see more than 20 paces in front of me.

"Do you think they'll be looking for us?" I ask the others. They look horrible, taking heavy steps like their feet are cement blocks, hair all over the place from the winds last night, and tattered clothes from the branches that snag at the delicate fabric. I probably don't look any better, probably worse, because I'm carrying a whole other person.

"I'd like to think Schlatt doesn't care enough to search for us but that can't be true," Sapnap makes eye contact with me, "You're carrying his most prized possession and you're a really strong dragon hybrid. What do you think?"

"I think Sapnap's right. He probably doesn't care much about the two of us but you and Techno are really valuable to Schlatt," Niki agrees. They both make really good points and I guess I forgot what I was for a few hours there. They'll be looking for us for sure.

"Once they find out that we didn't die in the car crash they'll definitely be lacing these woods with people to find us," I gather my thoughts for a second, "We should find somewhere to hide during the day. Keep your eyes open for anything."

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