Chapter 31 ~ The Reaper

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TW: Blood, mention of death, panic attack?

I'm in love with this reaper concept art, so scaryyyyyy

Techno's POV:

I know it was my idea to call upon my 'darkside' but that doesn't mean I like it. I know Niki is lying to me but it's not her fault. She doesn't want to worry me and I love her for that but I'm not an idiot. I'm Technoblade, I can tell when there's blood on my hands.....both literally and figuratively.

That's not even the scariest part. I'd say that I'm more scared that we don't have a plan anymore. The last one was obviously flawed and poorly planned, so what's next? I don't think we'll get another miracle. No one is that lucky.

I think that Niki went out to go get some water for us. We can survive pretty well without food but not without water. At least she remembered, I probably would've died before I realized that I needed to drink water. Hahahaha, I'm so smart.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear faint shifting next to me. I turn my head to see Dream tossing and turning in his sleep. Must be some sort of bad dream? That's my best guess.

"No.......don't kill him- NO!" Dream screams in his sleep, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know it's my fault just PLEASE! PLEASE!"

I scramble from my spot on the floor and kneel down next to Dream. My heart is beating 100 miles a minute, please be okay. I shake his shoulders slightly but Dream flinches back,


"DREAMMMM!" I scream in his face. Don't judge me, how else am I supposed to get him up when we're in the middle of nowhere?

I see his whole body flinch back as he comes back to his senses. Dream's eyes dart around the room for a quick second, trying to orientate himself. When he finally made eye contact with me he gasped.

"Are you okay?" I reach out my hand towards him. I want to comfort him but I don't know if he's still paranoid. I need to be as careful as possible. Sadly, I know how these things go and I don't want him to get any more scared.

"I d-don't k-k-know," Dream voice shakes uncontrollably, "Where are...where are we?"

I smile softly, "We're safe now, that's all that matters."

Dream nods his head slowly as he processes the information, "You were so scary, what happened?"

"Oh umm....I'm not sure but I know it won't happen again," I think I'm trying to convince myself of this more than Dream.

You can NEVER push that side of you away

Don't try to fight it


Don't fool yourself into thinking you've gotten rid of me

My eyes widen, more voices? Really? Do I need this ri-

"Are you okay Techie?" Dream tilted his head to the side, "You looked really scared."

I quickly shook my head, "I'm fine, just spaced out I guess."

I let out a nervous laugh, I've never told anyone about the voices. Well, it's not like there really was anyone to tell before but still. There's always that fear of people looking at me differently. I don't want that to happen with Dream so I've never told him. To be honest, I forgot. To me, the voices are so normal that I've almost forgotten it's weird.

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