Chapter 20 ~ Terms

474 16 32

TW: Swearing, mention of death

Techno's POV:

I stared up at the sky as all those memories that I tried so hard to hide came rushing back into my brain. Having them all come back at once was so overwhelming. I noticed that the dirt underneath my head was starting to get muddy from all the tears that have been running down my face.

Tommy was always so special to least when he was alive. I loved him like a brother even though he wasn't really my brother. We were there for each other and I made sure nothing would put him in harm's way. But I failed him, just like I'm inevitably going to fail everyone else.

I was hurt so much after Tommy' know....passing. That I didn't let anyone touch me or even talk to me. I didn't want to be hurt like that again, nothing good ever stays. Just like my friendship here with my friends, I know it'll all end at some point.

I was so caught up in my sorrows that I failed to hear footsteps approach me, "Tech! Oh my god, are you okay?"

I lifted my tear stained face to meet Dream's concerned eyes. I should've expected him to follow me, meaning I should've hid better. But whatever, it is what it is. After Dream looked into my eyes for a few seconds he sat down next to me.

"Can I hug you? It seems like you really need it," Dream looked over to me. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, why would he care anyway? I'm going to ask.

"Why would you care if I need a hug or not?" It seemed like he wasn't expecting that question.

"Well....I think I've known you for a few weeks? Maybe more? I don't really know, time seems irrelevant when I'm with you. Techno, you're a really amazing person and you deserve to be cared about. I know you think you don't need anyone but you do and I really hope the person that you need is me because I.....I care about you," Dream explained. I was a little taken aback from his response, it was strangely sincere. It also seemed like he wanted to say something other than 'I care about you' at the end.

"Okay then," I leaned over to Dream and hugged him. He adjusted our position a little bit so he could hug me back. I buried my face into Dream's shoulder, I felt safe in his embrace. It was an unexplainable feeling to me but I felt 10 times better once his arms were wrapped around my body.

I let butterflies fill my stomach as Dream whispered reassuring things into my ear. It was almost like it was always meant to be like this. Just me and him. I calmed down and significantly less tears were falling out of my eyes. I didn't want to go back and talk to the others, it was such a dark time in my past. I don't know if I could do it. Wait...what if...

"Dream?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" He answered. I pulled back a little bit and tried to hide my blush. How did I just notice that I was completely sitting on his lap?! Nope, Techno...get it together and focus.

"Is it okay if I explain what happened to you and then you tell everyone else?" I asked quietly and diverted my eyes, afraid that he might say no. He only smiled,

"Of course. If it makes it easier for you, I promise to listen. I won't judge you," Dream assured me. Damn, it seemed like he knew what my next questions were going to be.

He's totally going to judge you...maybe even hurt you after

He could be sincere? Maybe?

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