Part XX: Phone Call

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It's decently quiet at the shops, which is the usual given you go to one of the less popular convenience stores in town.

You'd already grabbed a few things. Milk, cereal, coffee, etcetera. You were just about to grab some fruit when you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket, your ringtone playing through the store. You'd been gone for maybe just over 10 minutes, and something had already gone wrong. Oh joy.

No, you had to be optimistic! It might not be Sunny? Maybe it was Rae, or a scam caller? Or management calling you to say they changed their minds about you keeping an expensive animatronic?

"Hello?" You say as you pick up the phone.

"Sunflower! Oh thank goodness! H... how are you...?" Sunny awkwardly laughs on the other side of the line.

Fuck optimism. "I'm good, Sunny. Now what did you burn down"

"I am insulted you would think I would burn anything down! We just... we just wanted to call you..."

You blink. That was... surprisingly cute. "What?"

"We... we wanted to, uhm... we... uh... we got lonely..." he mumbles.

Oh my god, that was fucking adorable. It reminded you of how dogs start whining the second you walk out the door. You placed a few things into your basket as you were talking to Sun.

"That's very sweet, Sunny. I'll only be a few more minutes, and I'm not allowed to call while driving so I need to go. I won't be long now, ok?" You try to reassure him.

Sunny stays silent, but you can hear him fidgeting through the phone. "If you get bored, I keep my fidget toys in the drawer under the TV. You can play with them if you like".

You can hear the silence perk up on the other side of the phone. "I'll see you guys soon, okay? Bye!"

"Oh, uh, yes! Bubye Sunflower! See you soon!"

Beep beep!

You huff a quiet laugh to yourself as you stiff your phone back in your pocket. Only about a day and a half or so with your new roommates, and the days were just getting more and more interesting. This would be fun.

Something catches your eye as you make your way towards the register. The corner of the store is filled with home-made jewellery and other goods, most notably two dress: one red with yellow stripes, and the other dark blue with yellow stars.

The owner who regularly worked the register laughed when he noticed you staring. He was a little old man. You talked to him often, given you were a regular. His name was Robert Eddenborough, and he was quite the contrast from his big and fancy name. Infact, he was a very sweet old man.

"Those are nice" you say, not drawing your eyes off the dresses.

Robert laughs again. "They are, aren't they? My husband made them. Where you interested in one?"

Yes, but not in the ways he was thinking. "They're lovely, but I'm not sure if I'd get the chance to wear them. I don't want to put your husbands gorgeous work to waste" you say as you hand him your basket of groceries.

Once your out of the store and in your car, you pull your phone from your pocket and dial in a phone number.

"Hey Rae, it's me. I have a bit of a weird question. Where did you get the fabric for Sun and Moon's clothes?"


You struggle to undo your lock with full arms, but you manage. The door swings open, and your welcomed to the site of Sun laying on the floor by the coach. As soon as you step inside, Sun jumps and turn to look at you, and you stare at each other for a few seconds. "Should... should I leave...?" You try to contain a snicker.

Between Dusk and Dawn (FNAFSB Daycare Attendant x Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora