Part I: A New Journey Awaits!

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Hello again :D
Been a while~

ANYWHO, BETWEEN DUSK AND DAWN IS HERE!!!!!!! I've been working on this one behind the scenes for a while, and I'm so excited to FINALLY be sharing it with you guys!!! I plan to make this one a bit longer than my last fic, but I've been super busy recently so it might update slowly!

This fic is gender neutral, so not smut (I'm sorry they're just too baby-) and I don't know at this point if I'm going to make it spicy, so this will probably just be a cuddly fanfic!

And one final note:

Unlike the last fic, this one WILL be following the story of the game, so there WILL be spoilers! ESPECIALLY for one of the games endings!
Even though it's following the story of the game, the animatronics are a bit different in this AU much like with the last fic, so sun and moon can blink and open their mouths and are a bit more expressive. I'm also using my adjusted design of sun which has him with blue eyes!

And now, finally, enjoy~

"Alright, we're here!" Your manager Rae beamed, opening their arms wide towards the daycare.

You beamed with them.  You'd been working at the Pizza Plex ever since it's opening, and ever since then something drew you towards the famous 'Superstar Daycare'. Something about the bright colours and the cheerful music probably.

Two weeks ago Rae approached you saying that the Daycare had been overrun recently, and the sun and moon animatronics weren't able to handle all the kids by themselves, so you were assigned to help.

"There's a staff room in the gift shop that you could get changed into. The daycare has a different uniform so the kids don't mix up regular staff as daycare assistants" Rae said, handing a small pile of neatly folded clothes to you.

"Alright, will do" You smile.

"I'll leave it to you then! If you need any help or anything there's a radio somewhere in that pile"

You waved Rae goodbye as they headed back to their station before you headed down to the staff room. The Plex had only opened two hours ago and the place was already infested with children, which you had to weave around to get to the staff room in the other side of the gift shop.

You slammed the door shut behind as you scrambled in, sighing with relief before double-checking no children had squeezed through the door.

For now, it seemed safe. Sliding out of your current work shirt, you unfolded the neat pile and pulled out the daycares shirt. Unlike the regular red, it was a dark blue colour, which striped on the sides that faded from yellow to light blue. In the top right corner was the Daycare logo, and on the opposite side was an empty space for your name badge.

You slid it on over your head before sliding the wind cheater on over it. It was VERY puffy, and a little bit oversized. It was a deep navy blue, with your name embroidered in white in the top left and a large, simplified version of the pizza Plex logo embroidered in red on the back.

You swayed your arms around in it for a moment before stuffing your other shirt and bag into one of the empty lockers.

Your scrambled back out of the gift shop and took a deep breath. You'd worked in the building forever, so you had seen so much y stuff that you didn't have the slightest bit of anxiety starting in the daycare. You were, however, quite excited to finally meet the daycare attendant animatronic. Out of all the characters in the plex, they were your favourite.

Between Dusk and Dawn (FNAFSB Daycare Attendant x Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum