Part III: The Sun

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After putting your bag back in the locker, you make your way back to the doors to find them unlocked and open. You spot sun sitting by the children as they stir and begin to wake up, and you sigh with relief.

But... where did Moon go? You wandered off before you could see. You had to admit that Moon was incredibly creepy and kinda obviously threatened you, but you were no doubt intrigued. You wanted to help him, for some strange reason.

"Sunny!" You call out as you walk through the doors.

You see him immediately straighten and turn to you with a look of pure joy. "Oh, Sunflower!! You're back right on time! How was your break? Did you eat something? Did you drink something? Hydration is very important!" He rambles once he's leaped up to meet you.

You try to stifle a laugh (to no avail). "My break was fine, yes I did, and kinda?"

Sun raises a brow at you and cocks his head to the side. "Kinda is the incorrect answer! How can you 'kinda' drink something?" He chuckles.

You shrug. "If you count all the grease in the food here, then I technically did drink something"

That makes Sun cringe, and he makes a strange noise that sounds like a mix of a cough and a gag. "That is EXTREMELY unhealthy! Grease is NOT a suitable water supplement!" Sun beams down at you.

You and Sun's attention is drawn away when you hear the children begin chatter and sit up. Sun flashes you a warm smile before he goes and begins to gather the children from the beds with you following behind him and folding the bedding behind them.  As you were packing away some of the bedding, you noticed something.

One of the beds that Sun hadn't gotten to yet still seemed to be harbouring a child. You put the bed sheets in your arms down in front of the cabinet and crawl over. As you get closer, you realise the blanket is shaking. You carefully pull the top of the blanket just far back enough that you can see inside, and a little boy peers up at you.  His cheeks are very obviously soaked and his eyes are red and puffy.

"Hey..." You whisper softly at the little boy, "Whats wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

The little boy sniffles and nods. You flash him a sympathetic smile and slip your arms under the blanket, which he happily climbs into and nestles into your lap. "Do you wanna talk to me about it? I have more experience in nightmares than I'd like"

The boy falls silent for a few seconds and starts to fidget, but it doesn't take long before he opens up. "I... I woke up and... and i looked out of the b... blankets... and i... and i saw a ghost st... staring at me... from the r... roof, so I... I hid back under my b... blanket until the lights c... came back on..." The boy sniffles. He was still crying.

Moon. He must have woken up at some point and seen him staring down from the ceiling, and it terrified him... "Hey, its ok! I'm sure it just wanted to be your friend. Maybe it was protecting you from mean ghosts" You smile and wipe some tears from his cheeks. You can tell he doesn't quite believe you, but he nods regardless.

"Do you wanna stay here for a bit until you feel better? I promise i won't let any mean ghosts get to you, ok?"

The boy digs himself into your clothes and nods, and you pull a blanket over him and carefully shuffle up against the cupboard. Once you're both comfortable, you rest your head against the back wall and sigh. When you look forwards again, you catch a certain sun-themed character staring at you, with his head in a 180 from his body. He jumps when you make eye contact, and you swear you see his face tint bright pink right before he turns away and speed-walks off.

You cock your head to the side and smile. What was that about? The young boy in your lap shuffles a little closer to you, and you run a hand down his back. He's still sniffling, but you can hear him crying anymore, and he's stopped shaking too. You sit there with him for another 10 minutes before you feel a tug on your shirt.

Between Dusk and Dawn (FNAFSB Daycare Attendant x Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя