Part XVIII: Roomates

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"Moo... Moony, could you... could you do... something for... for me?"

Moon looks up at you and cocks his head to the side. You point over at your laptop, which is sitting on your desk next to a box of chords that Rae threw in your car earlier. "I need... laptop... and a cord... a cord that can... connect to... to you..."

Moon follows your pointed finger, and when it lands in your computer and the cords he stands and does what you asked. He doesn't move from his spot when he grabs the requested items, instead holding them up. You point at the cord then point to Moon, and thank god he understood because your throat was getting sore.

You hear a faint 'click' and Moons hand disappears behind his head, plugging the cord into some unknown port. Then, you point at the other end on your computer then to your laptop. Moon understands, plugging the other end of the cord into your laptop.

Then, you wave over at you, and Moon slides the laptop carefully over to you, then puts as much distance between you as he can with the cord. You cautiously pull your hand off the light switch but don't move from next to it, sitting on the floor and opening your computer.

You open your files and click through, finding Sun and Moon's system pretty easily. They were connected like a USB, and you couldn't help but chuckle a little. You click through the system, not sure entirely what to do until you find a program: 'Control Panel Set-Up'

You instal it (begging you don't get a virus) and open the program when it's done. It was the same program that you used back at the daycare. Your eyes drift to the command list, and you feel your stomach twist.

"Run program: <pro.23866.exe/Moondrop>
Program running"

Command 23866? What the heck was that? Was that what was causing all of this? You hear small clacks and scrapes, and you look up to see Moon fidgeting, quite roughly. He locks his fingers together and squeezes, and he digs into his palm and tugs on the tips of his fingers. "Moony... care... careful! Don't... hurt your...self!"

Moon looks up at you, his eyes still pitch black, and squeezes his hands together in his lap. Then he turns to your laptop and watches you stress about what to do. You look through other files, and that's when you notice another thing. Both Sun and Moon have their own files, and when you open Sunny's you only see "reg.program", when you open Moony's you see a second one along side it: "program.23866".

Something wasn't right. You try and open program file, but you're greeted by a pop-up message: 'we couldn't load this file for you, as you do not have the necessary permissions'

You huff, hitting the side of your laptop. You go back into Moon's control program and try to think of something you could do, and you get an idea. You had high doubts it would work, but it might be work a try.

You click on the command, and then press delete. The ultimate power move.

"Error: Unable to delete as 'pro.23866' is internally run. If you wish to overwrite this program, please remove disk from inside animatronic"

...fucking what. You look up at Moon, who blinks at you (it was kinda cute, you had to admit) and back to the text. Well, this was going to be a pain in the ass. You turn your laptop around and show it to Moon.

He cocks his head as he reads it, looking up at you and pointing at himself. You nod.


His head spins, and you try to swallow the anxiety rising in your throat. You had to get closer. Carefully, incredibly carefully, you inch your way over to moon. His head is turned away from, showing the back of his head.

Between Dusk and Dawn (FNAFSB Daycare Attendant x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin