Ch. 23 - According to Plan

Start from the beginning

It took a moment for you to try and think of the reasoning behind it. "I don't know." You shrugged. "I guess my body just moved on it's own, I guess."

"So you jumped the gun instead, huh?" He commented before clicking his tongue. "You really are a dumb human."

"Hey, I saved your life, at the very least you could show a little gratitude?" You glared at him, but to your surprise he didn't respond. Instead he remained facing away from you with a solemn look.

"Never do that again. You hear me?" His voice was soft yet stern as he spoke.

The weight of his words hit you. You had put his life in front of your own not even thinking how he would feel on the matter. If he had lost you, you could have only guess how he would have taken it.

"Yeah." You breathed out. "I'm sorry I made you worry, but what would've happened if it was you?"

"What are you talking about?" He questioned moving his gaze towards you. "I would've been fine."

"That's not what I mean." You cut him off as a small sigh escaped you. "If you were gone who would make sure this kingdom doesn't fall?"

The king paused. He wasn't expecting you of all people to care about his kingdom let alone himself. However, you were right. Without a ruler to keep the humans at bay the kingdom would fall into shambles.

"Y-yeah..." Was all he said as the two of you began to relish in the silence.

It wasn't long before the door opened to reveal the commander walking in with a pitcher and a filled glass. He walked over to you holding the cup out towards you to take. "Here. Sorry it took me so long."

"It's ok. Thank you Kirishima." You gave a smile towards the scarlet dragon who only reciprocated the feeling.

You took a sip of water feeling the small bit of raspiness wash away.You thanked Kirishima once more before placing the cup onto the nearby table.

"It's nothing. I'm just glad you're ok." Kirishima spoke as he sat at the end of the bed. "I'm guessing Bakugo filled you in?"

You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but there's still one thing I don't get." The two boys looked at you in confusion before you spoke. "How am I even alive?"

"Oh, Bakugo used his magic." Kirishima spilled but before he could say anymore, Bakugo quickly smacked the back of his head.

Kirishima whimpered in pain as the king glared at him. "You idiot!" Bakugo hissed.

"Magic?" You couldn't help but grasp onto that one word.

Bakugo let out a sigh knowing that now Kirishima let it slip, you weren't going to let it go till you got some answers. "That sword the nerd was using wasn't a normal blade. It was enchanted, and a damn good one at that. Anyone wound from that sword would be a fatal one for creatures like shitty hair and I, but for humans it's an instant death wish."

You gulped feeling the sharpness of his words. You couldn't process it fully, but the thought was still there. "So you're saying...I died?"

The two men nodded, but instead of the king continuing, Kirishima stepped in. "The enchantment blocked out any magic from outside the body. That's when-"

Kirishima paused before exchanging glances with the king. The silence in the air began to grown which only made you more on edge. "When what?"

"That's when I used my magic to heal you from the inside." Bakugo stated. "The mana I transferred was enough to break the enchantment and heal the wound, but it's a patch job. It'll take a bit before the wound heals up fully."

You let out a sigh of relief. You couldn't believe it. You were alive. Bakugo had saved you. However, the moment of relief quickly washed by as Bakugo spoke up once more.

"Just a fair warning, you're going to have side effects till the transformation is complete." He spoke causing a shush to be heard from Kirishima.

"Transition? What transition?"

Kirishima let out a nervous chuckle. "Well," he started. "A dragon's mana is very different from normal humans. Our mana allows us to turn control our dragon and human features while also giving us magic like normal mages."

Confusion was still relevant in your mind as you tried to grasp onto what Kirishima had explained. "Ok? That still doesn't tell me what Bakugo meant by transition."

He paused as he looked at you nervously. "Well, it means-"

"It means you're not human anymore."

Your eyes shot over towards Bakugo. It took a moment for those words to settling in. You weren't human anymore? That couldn't be, you woke up like the same human as before.

"I don't understand." Your voice was soft as the information enclosed to you became jumbled.

"Do you really need me to-"

"Bakugo!" Kirishima's stern voice caught the two of you off guard. Bakugo simply glared at him before clicking his tongue.

Kiri let out a sigh before looking at you. "Bakugo transferred some of his magic to you so he could heal you from the inside. Because our mana is special, it won't settle for a human body. That's when the transformation comes in."

"So what you're saying is..."

Kirishima nodded. "You're one of us now."


This was his third time invading the privacy of his chambers. The usual dimly lit atmosphere was common now as for his master gazing above an anonymous object. He wished not to disturb his peace, but in this dire circumstance he must.

"What does my brethren wish for now?" The master spoke as he remained focused on his work.

"The first stage has been completed master." He answered. "However it didn't go as planned."

The man hummed before tilting his head slightly towards the boy. "Proceed."

He explained the ongoing troubles that had occurred. Each detail being more vivid than the last. His words growing in anger.

Silence filled the air for a moment, and only for a moment before the slain if a book cut through it. "Nothing has changed my brother. Keep the arrangements going as scheduled. However," He hummed to himself once more before swirling around to face the freckled boy. "That human may pose a problem if she lives."

"There is nothing to fear master. The blade you have granted me with struck her. She wouldn't have survived."

"Not entirely true." He spoke. "The magic I have graciously give you can wipe away the mana of any being with one strike. However, if one was to willingly give up as such then that is another issue."

The room fell silent once more. The master looked at him one final time before regaining his focus on his previous work.

"Go, and make sure that wench stays dead. Permanently."

The boy bowed. "Yes master."

Dragon's Keep || Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (Fantasy AU) ||Where stories live. Discover now