
My own voice sounded foreign to my ears; it was raspy and rough, as if I hadn't said two words all day, which really I hadn't. I kept to myself and waited for her. It was always her that plagued my mind and influenced my decisions; without her around, it almost felt strange not worrying about having someone's attention.


She was the only person who called me that. I was exclusively just 'Grey' or 'Mer', never Meredith unless I was in trouble. But when she called me by my full name, something I'd never let anyone else do, it made my heart flutter.

"I hate to sound cliché" I start, after gathering up the courage to say anything at all "but where have you been? You just...disappeared" I had no explanation, no reasoning behind her sudden departure, nothing. It hurt, I won't lie, but I didn't want to let it show.

"I had something I needed to deal with" was all she said. That was it; that was her explanation.

She had something to deal with.

"Okay" I nodded, and without another word I turned back to the table I'd been polishing. I could hear her still standing behind me, perhaps wondering if she should say anything more or just leave it be.

She must've chosen the latter to option, because I heard a small sigh of defeat before her footsteps left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.


I'd spent the rest of the afternoon and evening finishing up my chores; I'd even taken on some extra ones to keep myself busy as I obsessively thought circles around the interaction I'd just had with her. Over and over, my mind raced as I over-examined every single word that was said.

Not like there were too many to count, but the few we exchanged were the few I replayed, nonstop, on a loop.

As if my life was now a bad lifetime movie special, the same things played out more times than I could count. I had to remind myself that thinking about it wouldn't make it change; she wouldn't suddenly come back and apologize. She wouldn't suddenly act like she was sorry for leaving for a week. She just...wouldn't.

After I'd finished my normal dinner duties, I'd gone the extra step and scrubbed the whole kitchen; the industrial-sized sink was scrubbed until my hands were raw, the stove and oven were both deep-cleaned until I could see my reflection in the steel, every single piece of silverware was shined to perfection and every single wineglass was shined until they all sparkled.

No expense was spared with Mrs. Forbes, I could always tell, because the wine glasses were perhaps the nicest ones I'd ever touched, easily worth more than I could've ever guessed. She had expensive tastes in quite literally everything.

Before I knew it, it was well after dinner and nearing into the night. Everybody had gone to bed, and by everybody I meant Mrs. Forbes and Susan, as Dr. Montgomery had been away for work for several days. I was completely left on my own.

I had honestly just assumed that Addison left again. Despite checking constantly the last week, I couldn't bring myself to look out the window for her car; I figured it would be gone and I couldn't handle the disappointment again. So, I just chose not to look, I chose to stay occupied instead.

Once I had finished up in the kitchen, I'd decided to move to the dining room. My mind was far too muddled to even entertain the idea of going to sleep yet, and I knew I could find something to do to keep myself moving almost as fast as my thoughts.

Moving towards the China cabinet that sat in the corner of the room, I began to go down the rabbit hole of wondering; did I mean anything to Addison? Was she thinking of me the way I thought of her?

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