"Is it even possible to stay neutral at this point?" North asked.

"I'm not entirely sure. Decades ago, back in the 1940s when Nazi Germany was trying to take control over Europe, it didn't attack Switzerland of some of the Central Arican countries. But the Soviet Union is different. He saw the mistakes that Germany's father made. He can use that to his advantage." Britain replied.

Germany, who had come back with the first aid kit and started to treat UN's wings, lowered his head at the mention of his father. He still had traumatic memories of his father's abuse, not wanting to think of how angered Third Reich had been when he found out that he was losing.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm his primary target." America said.

"Of course, son. But don't worry, I doubt that you would be defeated." France replied, trying to comfort her son.

America balled his fists. "Whatever. That country deserves to be defeated no matter what. His human rights violations and abuse is terrible. I'm leaving." He said, looking at everyone else. "I suggest you all too. There is no point in denying that world war 3 will start. Comfort your citizens, prepare your nation, be ready." He said, and walked away.


In Russia, or rather, Soviet Union, were the ex-independent USSR states.

"Oh shut the fuck up." Russia growled, kicking Ukraine.

Ukraine looked at him with murder in his eyes. "You won't get away with this. Attacking my nation, then forcing me to join father?" He spat, saying the last word as if it was poison.

"It's not you didn't have a choice. You could've joined dad like we did." Kazakhstan said.

Apart from Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Georgia, all the other Soviet states had joined willingly. Some joined because they were afraid, some were eager to join.

The ones who refused.. well they were annexed, then kidnapped. It was somehow done without the west or NATO attacking the others.

Soviet suddenly burst into the room, steam pouring out of his ears. He was furious.

"Fuck the west. Fuck Korea. Fuck NATO. Fuck the damn UN." He cursed.

"Father, what has happened?" Russia asked.

Soviet looked at him, redder than ever. "Get ready for war. I'm not sitting around anymore." He said.

"Fucking Europe will be first. Germany, Britain, France, Poland, all of them." He continued.

Azerbaijan blinked thrice before speaking cautiously. "Father, is this true?"

"Do I need to repeat myself?!" Barked Soviet. "I don't care how long it takes. Months, years, decades, whatever it fucking takes!"

"You." He said, pointing to Kazakhstan. "Get the country ready for war. Tell the generals and boost morale among the people. They have to believe that this is something good."

"And you." He pointed to Russia next. "Manage the propaganda department. Spread propaganda all over the country."

They both scurried off, not wanting to continue being in the presence of their father.

Soviet gave orders to all of his children, apart from the ones that did not join him willingly.

"You scums will stay here. No going anywhere. Don't you dare try to escape, or you will be killed. I'm being kind by not killing you instantly. Do you understand?" Soviet warned.

They all scowled at him, and Soviet took out his knife and threw it at them.

"I said, do you understand?" He growled.

The knife landed in the middle of Georgia and Ukraine.

Scared, the former republics nodded.

"Good." Soviet smiled sickly. "Hm.."

He yanked the knife out of the floor, the force almost smashing Georgia in the face.

"Very fine tip, isn't it?" He said softly.

Georgia did nothing but stay silent.

"I asked you a question." Soviet's face darkened.

Georgia continued to glare at him.

"You brat." Soviet snarled. He, very slowly, put the tip on Georgia's face and started to draw the communist symbol on his face.

Georgia started to scream in agony, but Soviet paid him no heed as he continued to draw until it was finished.

Blood dripped from the wound, dropping onto the floor and painting Georgia's face with red blood.

"Nice and communist, just how I like it. It's a mark to show where you belong." He smirked.

Tears fell out of Georgia's eyes, still in agony.

"Shut up, or I will do it to all of you." He looked at one of his other children. "Chain them back up. Don't want them escaping, don't we?" He smiled.

He was looking at Belarus. "Yes, father." She said.

She took them away, leaving Soviet by himself in the room.

"Finally, I have done what I have wanted to do since my creation." He smiled, looking at the map in the room.

He took some blood of the floor and marked each and every country he absolutely despised. He made sure to mark the Koreas, US, and NATO with extra blood.

"слава коммунизму." He said.

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