Depuis le début

It was a good place to start.

One thing I have discovered of late?

Reading helps me keep my thoughts in check. It tunes the unwanted thoughts out, momentarily, at least. It was a source of escape for me, nothing else. I found it distracting.

I wasn't a fan of reading. I only did that whenever it was necessary.

The Bookstore was eerily quiet with people roaming around each shelf to find a perfect book. The nearest thing to the noise I could hear was the shuffling of feet and flipping of pages.

How the hell do people love book shopping anyway? It's a boring thing to do, abeg.

I dumped the book in my hands back on its shelf and hissed, just like I have been doing for the past hour. Nothing seems intriguing at all. Maybe this was a terrible idea. Scratch that, leaving the house was a terrible idea.

"Book problems, Reina?" I yelped loudly, totally drawing attention to myself.

Fucking hell!

I whirled around, my fists clenched tightly in a ball. His face came into view.

Of course, he had that stupid smile plastered on his face. His gaze was soft as his eyes bored into mine, looking thoroughly amused. He gave me a once over before his grey eyes finally settled back on my face.

He was leaning lazily on one of the shelves. His hands were deep in the pocket of his warm brown Joggers.

"Stefan, what the hell!" I snapped, through gritted teeth. I shot a faux smile at the bewildered customers to assure them nothing was wrong.

Great, now they think I'm crazy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He asked, one of his brows tugged up, almost as if he was mocking me.

I hissed through my teeth and grabbed a book from the shelf, slamming it on his shoulder. He winced in pain and I snorted.

"What are you even doing here?" I inquired before rolling my eyes and resuming checking out books.

"I came to get some books for my mom,"

"You know, I can help you out if you are having problems picking out a book. " He was beside me in no time, staring at me with a wide grin.

Okay, it's settled. I hate extra chirpy guys, he looks creepy with his stupid smile.

"Gee, thanks. But, no, thanks!" I snapped at him in irritation and folded my arms under my chest. I quickened my pace in an attempt to get the hell out of this bookstore and away from him.

How he manages to be everywhere was what I didn't understand. He was always in my face. I didn't t understand how he won't take the fucking hint and just let me be.

Book shopping ruined by creepy stef, check.

"So, you are not only trying to frustrate the living daylight out of me, you have added stalking to the list too," I grumbled under my breath.

He latched his hands onto mine suddenly, stopping me from walking further. I tried jerking my hands out of his but he was stronger. I sighed in defeat and raised a brow inquisitively at him.

He exhaled softly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Listen, Reina, Just let me do this for you. You won't regret it, I'm a book lover." I stared at him for a moment and calculated mentally before nodding my head.

What was the worse that could happen? Besides, it's all his fault so he has to atone for his sins!

"No romance." The words left my mouth before I could stop myself. I snapped my mouth shut and blinked.

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