"You like her." He said flatly. i gasped.

"Dude what the fuck are u talking bout?" he chuckled.

"I saw that gleam in ur eye. I saw u staring at her.. Well u know. I havent been ur best bud since kindergarten for nothing. I like to learn about my friends that is." He said smirking. I chuckled.

"You cnt tell no one." i said flatly. He nodded.

"I wont man u got my word." He said hitting my fist. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and went to my seat for Maths. Camra girl sat right next to me. i guess i never noticed cuz john sat on my left so i never rly payd attention to thr right. She sat down and pulled out her notebook along with a sheet of paper.

"We had hw?" i asked. She nodded. I cussed. i was low enough in this class let alone my other classes. Shit.. I thought. Our teacher collected everyones and i mean everyones mine was the only one not collected.

"The class president no homeowrk? Not a very good one are u?" She said. i scoffed.

"You arent a good math teacher and yet u still are so theirs a mutual thing haplening to both of us." She glared.

"You can do it for late." She spat and turned to the board.

"Nice man."


"Taught that b*tch a lesson."

I heard everything. Then saw Camra girl roll her eyes.

"Ass.." She muttered writing the noted down. I pulled my notbokk up and started writing and pulled out a piece of paper.

Why dont you like me?

I wrote and tosse it to Camra girl. I saw her look of disbelief when she opened it and read it. She quickly wrote something on it and passed it back and continued with the maths notes.

Didnt know i had to. You dnt like me so i dnt think its a problem now is it? Why do u care?

I read. I smirked.

it is a problem Cuz i like u.. u seem like ud be fun to hangout with.

I scribbled and quickly gave it back and wrote the pythagreum therum down.. I watched her face light up.

Thanks. i'm cally..

i read.

How'd u know that idk ur name already?

i passed it back.

Cuz im the weirdo here no one knows my name.. jus that im weird.

I bursted out laughing.

"Is something funny Mr.Sykes?" My teacher asked. I nodded.

"Yeah my.. uh.. the b = c sqaured times a squared is wrong." I lied. it prolly was right and i would look dumb but oh well. She checked it and turned to me.

"Mr. President does have a brain." She said correcting it. i smiled.

"Woo!" I muttered.

I think ur able to look how u want to no big.... You wanna hang after school?

I wrote. I didnt want to come on to strong but oh well. i gave it back. I saw Miss finch glare. I groaned. Cally's eyes got wide and she sunk into her seat. the teacher took it off her desk and read it over silently.

"Well.. Since this is more important.. Cally, Its jus how you want to look no big,. you wanna hang out later? dot dot." She said aloud. Cally smirked and wrote on a blank sheet of paper then ripped it off and gave it to Miss finch.

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