✨[Act 2, Scene 8]✨

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) pulled out the armband and tossed it onto the desk in front of her.

"I knew my answer the moment you asked me. I didn't need until Friday. I only came here to return this," She told her, "Initially. I was gonna let you down easy. But you just had to keep on talking, boasting about how you were 'an angel' and whatnot. I only said you were smart for how you utilize your height and gender because you are smart for that, but smart doesn't necessarily mean good. And worst of all..."

(Y/N)'s free hand clenched into a fist.

"For you to completely dismiss Asano's hard work really fucking pisses me off!"

Tsubaki was taken aback by her outburst.

"Just thinking about what you said about him makes my blood boil. His followers trust and admire him because he's worked hard. He spent his entire junior high career establishing himself among his peers, and you're going to tell me he won by default?! That's complete and utter bullshit!

"I would know... I willingly voted for him last year, knowing that he was fully capable.

"Don't even get me started on the hypocrisy you spout. Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror and question if you even like who you are?! Sure, Asano's not a great person, but what makes you think you're so much better than him? In any case, you're worse than him because at least Asano's honorable."

(Y/N) voice softened, "He's not perfect, but I know he's trying to be. With Asano, I know that he's aware that his actions shine a light on who he is as a leader."

Tsubaki's eyes darkened with her scowl, "Don't compare me to him."

"With you, I can't tell whether or not you truly want to help the student body, or if you just want to be above everyone else," She added.

"You don't know Asano as well as you think you do," Tsubaki seethed.

"And you do?" (Y/N) questioned, "I may not know everything about him, but I've probably learned more about him within the last month than you have within the last year.

"When you declared the debate, you talked like you went to our junior high, like you were in E Class yourself. But no, you weren't. And that really irritated me. You say you hate the nosy gossipers, but you believe their rumors to fuel your hate for people with the same nature as Asano. You weren't in the same battles we fought. Asano's grown as an opponent because of E Class. Now, all he has to do is show that he's grown as a person."

Honestly, you both need to learn that being a leader doesn't mean standing above the people you lead. It means standing beside them.

"You may have good intentions, but that's too hard for me to see. I've never thought I'd say this, but in this fight, Asano has my trust and my support. Really speaks volumes for the kind of person you are," (Y/N) finished her angry monologue.

Tsubaki was quiet for a few seconds. (Y/N)'s frustrated expression was directed toward her.

"Is this your final answer, (Y/N)?" Tsubaki's voice was deeper than usual. (Y/N) swore she could see red in those dark coffee eyes of hers.

But somehow, at the same time, they looked glossy as if she was about to cry from anger.

Nonetheless, (Y/N) nodded and began to walk in the other direction, "Yes, it is. Now stop calling me by my first name."

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