✨[Act 2, Scene 8]✨

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Those were words that could describe Tsubaki Yeong. Well, at least (Y/N) could describe her that way.

The (h/c) haired girl entered science lab four. The first setting where she was initially dragged into the whole situation.

I didn't start this. But I am sure as hell going to finish it.

"I see you're here," Tsubaki shut her laptop and weaved her fingers together in front of her, "I'm glad to see you've made a sound decision."

(Y/N) took steps towards her, "Of course I did."

"Honestly, I thought Asano was going to get in the way there," She continued, "He has an odd attachment to you all of a sudden. Then again, a snake rattles its tail when it's afraid and threatened. Asano is aware that he will lose if we join forces, which is why—"

"Stop talking," (Y/N) interrupted, "Why do you know what you know about me? You didn't go to 'central' Kunugigaoka until high school."

Tsubaki flashed her a mildly displeased look, but speaks with a sigh, "I was on West Kunugigaoka's debate team in junior high. I remember you from both the regional conference and the national one during our first year. You were an opponent like no other.

"I wanted to approach you back then, but I didn't get the chance to. The way you spoke inspired me to become president of my own junior high, actually. I stayed on the debate team until the end of junior high, as a second extracurricular. In the regional conference the following year, I questioned where you were. The boys spoke just loud enough for me to hear, laughing in their stories and revealing the truth."

"How surprising..." (Y/N) hummed sarcastically while scratching her folder with her nail, "I'm honored that you thought so highly of me."

"Why of course," Tsubaki smiled, "When I saw you again in high school, I could tell you had only improved. You have a brighter, passionate look in your eyes. No offense, but it was dull in junior high."

Well, (Y/N) thought, I was dull back then. Both metaphorically and literally. I could only see grey back then.

I wonder who's responsible for that...

"Why do you think just because you can, you should take control of the school?" (Y/N) questioned, genuinely curious, "And even if you can, why make it devastating for Asano?"

"You're asking a lot of questions," Tsubaki stated, "For personal reasons, I don't want to answer that first one."

(Y/N) nodded, "Fair. I won't pry then."

"As for the second one, I already told you people like Asano need to be humbled."

(Y/N) took a deep breath, reaching into her pocket. She felt around for the green and white armband, grasping it tightly. She frowned.

"It seems you've had your fair share of struggles," She said and began to trail off, "You keep saying 'people like him'... I can't imagine how you feel, being underestimated all the time."

Tsubaki's smile twitched, "Let's not get into that."

"...But it doesn't make it right."

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows, "We all go through our fair share of trials. You don't get to be deceitful or manipulative to everyone you meet just because of it."

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