✨Act 1, Scene 10✨

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That last one was not an adjective, but (Y/N) had a feeling that it should be. Especially when it came to describing her "friend", Ren Sakakibara.

(Y/N) stared at the ceiling above her bed with her hands placed on her stomach. She worked a short four hour shift today. She had switched shifts with a coworker for that day.

I should do homework... She sighed, But I really don't feel like it.

She turned on her side and looked over to the large iced coffee with two shots of espresso that she made before leaving work. The water droplets on the outside of the cup rolled down, creating a puddle around the bottom of the plastic cup.

Midterms are in a couple of weeks, aren't they? She thought, Although, no one's mentioned anything about it.

"Hey, Fate?" (Y/N) called out, "When are midterm exams for this semester?"

Fate appeared in the mirror, "I am not your personal calendar, (Y/N)."

"I was just askin'," (Y/N) shrugged, "It would give me comfort if I knew weeks prior, to be honest."

"Your teachers will tell you when you get there," Fate waved her off.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds.


Her phone vibrated beside her.

raging hormones: Heyyy, (Y/N)?

raging hormones: I need a hand with something.

She raised an eyebrow.


Gakushu's eyes skimmed over the rubric he had received during home economics.

According to news he learned through his position as student council president, their principal wanted to start implementing international studies due to the rise in requests for it.

So to "dip toes into the water" and encourage students to look forward to such classes, the principal pushed the second year home economic classes to cook food from other countries. Their assignment required the second years to be randomly assigned two recipes. One main dish and one dessert. The students would make these recipes at home and then bring what they cook to their class.

The teacher would then give them any needed criticism and invite all students to an evening banquet where they would display their food to the rest of the student body and even family members. They would be dressed in formal attire and be stationed at the banquet hall near the school. The second years had until next week to perfect their recipes.

Gakushu did not understand how exactly that project would help quell the requests for international studies, but he was going to do everything in his power to have the best tasting dish.

He read over the slip of paper. He had to make French macarons and a soup called... potage parmentier...

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start practice one..." He hummed, "I will begin with macarons."

An hour later, Gakushu's eye twitched.

He absolutely hated the sight of his flat orange macaron shells that were still in the oven.

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