✨Act 1, Scene 9✨

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warning 20 pages! it's a long chapter so get comfy!

a/n: i just wanted to let you all know that i edited/took out some really minor things. i changed the chapter titles since i wanted it to fit in with the theme. i also slightly changed asano's fiance's name and gave her a better personality (her name's is now yumiko akamine) bc she'll be playing a bigger part other than just his fiance

she doesn't ride a motorcycle anymore and instead rides on of those ebikes with the electric motor that are really common in Japan (look up "yamaha pas with" for an idea)

also i took out the bonus from last chapter bc i decided to change whatever that was.





Those were words that described Mondays.

Everyone felt that way, right?

Actually, at the moment, Gakushuu's mood differed. Usually, he'd feel neutral but not today.

Something "unfortunate" had happened to the car of his main chauffeur. A calico cat had gotten stuck in the engine and refused to leave. This ended up with Gakushu having to walk to school. He was offered to take a different car, but he opted not to.

While he did have his color vision, he still enjoyed walks on a good day. With a little bit of persuasion, his chauffeur was sworn to secrecy and had no need to tell his father about anything.

A spring breeze blew through his locks of strawberry blond. His face displayed neutrality, but on the inside he was just a bit "happier" than usual.

The sun seemed to be shining a little brighter today.

At some point, he stumbled upon a crossroads and had to wait until the crosswalk light changed.


Initially, he ignored the ringing of a nearby bike.


Annoyed, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the violent jingling of a bike.

From across the street, (Y/N) had been maniacally ringing her bell to get his attention. Nearby walkers gave her a quick glance, but proceeded to ignore her as they went along with their day. She had come from the east lane, while Gakushu came from the south.

When did he start walking to school? More importantly, when did he start going this way? 

Once it was okay to cross, she pedaled over to Gakushu's street.

"Are you sure you're not stalking me?" (Y/N) scowled.

"Yes, I assure you. You're life does not seem intriguing enough," He clarified with a semi-joking tone.

"Okay, so what I'm hearing is that you do stalk people if they are interesting?" She asked with a voice laced with snark.

"No," He replied curtly and began to continue to walk to school. His content morning became a slightly irritable day.

Well, at least that's what he thought.

"Hmph..." (Y/N) puffed out her cheeks and swung her leg to her side, un-mounting her bike. She pulled it alongside her as she caught up with Gakushu. He was only a few steps ahead of her.

"I've never seen you walk by this area," She pointed out, directly observing him as they walked.

"A cat happened to find its way into the engine of my chauffeur's vehicle," He explained, "It's a nice day today, so I did not mind walking."

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