Cherries, Mountains, and Hyacinths (5/??)

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When every god's nation was chosen, they were given one thousand people to care for and give a good life to, But 3 of the gods (I think you can guess which three by the title) fell in love with one of the thousand people that were given to them for their nation (don't worry, the people and the gods aren't related ) and gave them the blessing of a longer life so that they could be together longer. After a while,???, Hyacinthus, and Sakura each had a kiddo. There names being, Yu(Identity unknown), Blossom(Sakura's daughter), and Hyacinth(you should know who he is by now). Through the path of fate, they eventually meet each other through the plot of this story.

Broken deals (other half of 2)

           Hyacinth tried to fall asleep on his bed, shaking and turning. Although the situation was kinda crazy, he didn't think he wouldn't be able to fall asleep "Ughh. I wish I was one of those rich preppy kids, like Blossom." He whispered, he didn't want his dad to hear him so he doesn't have to hear him blabbering on about power or whatever. He decided that he wasn't going to go back to sleep, so he gave up, brushed his hair, got on his shoes, and climbed out of his window. He was still very tired so he ended up falling on his face on the way out but he just continued to go wherever he thought he was going "Just about anywhere is better than here." He stumbled along trying to get to the nearest bar (to get an energy drink of course) "If the bar isn't open right now, then it'll be a very long night." Hyacinth knew where the bar was at from the few times he went with his dad to the club, it was just right across from the bar and since he had no interest in all the girls at the club, he looked around and just happened to find it on the street. There was still a bit more walking to do—or for him it would be stumbling since he kept on tripping everywhere he went. Just as everything was going good and nothing chaotic was going on in the streets, Hyacinth heard a loud clanking noise coming from a long dark alley way, he is tired and doesn't care about the consequences of his actions so he tries to talk to whatever made the noise "Hello? Anything there?" Hyacinth called out. The noises stopped. Then started again after a few minutes, Hyacinth thought he was going insane. "Ah-I need sleep." But then it got a lot louder, and Hyacinth got more curious to find the source of the sound, so he walked into the dark alley way with no lights and only just a few stray cats fighting each other for the fun of it "Hey! Who's there?" As he got closer the sound got lesser, and he heard a high pitched voice emerge from what seemed like a dumpster "Please just go." The voice said, they sounded scared and confused, Hyacinth then saw an orange and pink pill bottle fall out of the dumpster with the sound of light rattling "What are you doing in the dumpster?" Hyacinth asked, he didn't care that much but random people in street alley ways making annoying sounds was...annoying. He never got a reply and just heard feet quickly run away, he couldn't see who it was since it was dark and all he could see was the two pill bottles that fell on the ground but he assumed it was a young girl guessing by the voice he heard, he was curious to see what was in the bottles so he walked up to one and tried to grab it but keep in mind he couldn't see well. He put his hand on the floor and tried to reach for one. "Ow, damnit!" He felt a sharp pain in his left hand, when he looked down at the floor a little bit more he saw a long needle with his pink blood on it, his eyes widened in fear and he looked at his finger to see that it was bleeding. He quickly got up and started to run out of the alley way, he looked left and right to try and remember where he walked from, he couldn't, so he went where he felt was the right way. He ran and ran and ran just to get nowhere in the end, and he realized that he went the wrong way and now he was lost, with his finger bleeding and some unknown substance inside his bloodstream. He started breathing heavy, but tried to calm himself down "It's ok, it's fine, nothing even is gonna happen. You're fine." Hyacinth said, he was in the middle of the plaza, near the Flower Tree, but he didn't seem that aware of his surroundings, he was confused but the longer he looked around and stood there...he started to feel lighter and more, free. "Wh-what's happening?" It was a little hard for him to stand up straight but he for some reason, he started to feel at ease? "Im fine, I just gotta calm down, and convince myself I'm ok." Hyacinth looked around to see if there was a bus near by but there wasn't. He wasn't mad about it though, he didn't care. "Ok well if that's not gonna work then maybe..I should head back to the bar? I mean, I don't feel bad and I think I'm ok." He then tried to start running back towards the bar. "If I get a drink I can forget about everything that just happened, I don't need to stress about it." He nervously laughed, he wasn't suddenly ok, he just realized that if he went back home he'd have to explain to his mom why he ran out to a bar and why his hand was bleeding, but if he didn't remember then it'd be fine. "I can pass as being over 18,I just don't know how to stop my hand from bleeding..." Hyacinth used his scarf and covered his hand as a bandage. He knew the whole drunk idea was kinda—no-really dumb, but he couldn't think of anything else for the time being and whatever was in his blood stream might have been getting to his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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