Kalmia Latifolia🌷

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The nation of Mountain Laurel. Ruled by the fairly powerful god, Mo Latifolia. More commonly known as "Mo". His name just like everyone else's, is very simple.

Where it lays

The Kalmia Latifolia nation lays in between the Prunus Serrulata Nation, and the Nelumbo Nucifera Nation but the nation is also pretty close to the Hyacinthus and the Lilium Candidum (White Lily) Nations. When Lady Lotus summoned the four waves, they got hit with the second wave, which made their power almost as significant as the Nelumbo Nucifera nation, and that's what made them so close to the nation as well.

Mo Latifolia

         Mo Latifolia, or Mo, is the god of the Kalmia Latifolia Nation as well as being the god of wind. He's really nice and he makes sure he does what's best for his people and himself at the same time, he hasn't been much of a pain to any of the other gods and tries to get on everyone's good side to avoid problems and trouble. He had a loving wife until an accident that caused her to pass away, he also had a kid but nobody knows that except for him. He, just like Lady Lotus does use his element quite often, it's said that wind in the nation is seen as a sign of good luck from Mo himself.


The environment in the nation is not cold but it is windy (which makes since because it's the nation of the wind) it's actually pretty warm since the flowers there are more accustomed to heat than the cold. Just like Hyacinthus and Lady Lotus, his emotions can affect the weather if strong enough, heavy wind storms have occurred because when his wife passed or when he got to happy. Usually big natural disasters only happen when a god gets angry or sad, but for Mo it happens when he gets angry, sad, or to happy which is why he is one of the most humble gods. In the winters it only gets cold because of the heavier winds but it still stays the same temperature, it can sometimes bring heavy snow but it is pretty rare. The summer gets warmer and the winds gets lesser, but the wind also gets colder for that nice summer breeze and in the fall and spring it's not cold but it's not hot either, just in between both of the two with a little bit of wind. The Kalmia Latifolia nation also has the freshest air out of all the other nations since pollution is very low.

History with other nations

Mo Latifolia is known for the wind, being humble, and also deals. Fair deals. He usually makes deals with the Hyacinthus Nation, Nelumbo Nucifera Nation, and the Prunus Serrulata nation. If you read the article on the Lotus Nation you would know about the deal between the two regarding overgrown plants and bugs, but there are other deals that they have made together, for example: they once made a deal trading gardening tips for each other. Mo doesn't always want to be given power directly, he likes to exchange knowledge that could help rather than just taking. The deals that he makes with the Hyacinthus nation are a bit different, they usually are just promoting things from one another's nations, Mo thinks that's its helpful and better than other methods, while Hyacinthus thinks that it's kind of a waste of time and would be better if they traded things that would directly impact their power (In a good way of course) but Mo ran a test and found that it does help both of their nations power quite a bit. Back to Mo's relationship with Lady Lotus', over time after making deals and talking to each other at meetings and stuff, they are actually really good friends now and like to talk to each other pretty often without all the annoying formality. He doesn't have the best relationship with Hyacinthus, they're nothing more than associates for each other and there friendship is one sided since Hyacinthus just wants a business partner and Mo would actually like to be friends with the people who he is around. He is also friends with Sakura, the goddess of the Cherry Blossom Nation. They have made deals such as Sakura offering to help Mo's trees grow bigger, in exchange for very little water. She is very serious about the way things look so when she saw that the flowers in his trees didn't look healthy, she had to help "Thank you so much Sakura, it is greatly appreciated" Mo said. "Oh, thank you for letting me help. I just had to come over here eventually and give you a hand." Mo didn't know wether to be slightly offended or happy, so he just laughed a bit. "No problem, if you ever need help with anything you could always ask me." And that there was the start of a beautiful friendship between the two. Once upon a time, Mo, Sakura, and Lady Lotus, all went shopping at each other's nations for the fun of it. The most Mo has done with Hyacinthus is talk on the phone for a few hours, mostly about business stuff. Mo also has some history with the Digitalis Nation (FoxGlove), he use to be really good friends with FoxGlove actually, but after a while Mo started to suspect that FoxGlove befriended him just to plot against him, so their friendship ended.

Messages in the wind

It is said that if you truly love someone, you can talk to them through the sound of the wind, no paper no pen. In the nation, wind is seen as a form of good luck as well as true love. People say that if you and your partner are both in the nation, you could never be separated as the wind will always guide you to your loved one and nobody else. This has backfired sometimes though, one day, a girl and her boyfriend were walking together in snow when they excepted the wind to swirl around them as they made jokes together, but instead of the wind swirling around the girl and the boy, the wind went around the girl and pointed to someone else. Spoiler alert, the guy broke up with her. Cheaters are usually exposed pretty fast, but one example of good luck is a time where there was a guy walking around hoping for something good to happen, when his hat was blown away by the wind, he went to go grab it and when he picked up he saw a 100 dollar bill on the floor with nobody around it at all.

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