Cherries, Mountains, and Hyacinths (2/??)

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When every god's nation was chosen, they were given one thousand people to care for and give a good life to, But 3 of the gods (I think you can guess which three by the title) fell in love with one of the thousand people that were given to them for their nation (don't worry, the people and the gods aren't related ) and gave them the blessing of a longer life so that they could be together longer. After a while,???, Hyacinthus, and Sakura each had a kiddo. There names being, Yu(Identity unknown), Blossom(Sakura's daughter), and Hyacinth(you should know who he is by now). Through the path of fate, they eventually meet each other through the plot of this story.

Bus Boy (2)

The next day arrived, Hyacinth brushed his hair and his teeth. This time, he decided that he would go out of his window instead of the front door, it's closer to the bus stop and if his parents were arguing, he didn't wanna hear it today, as he wanted today to be a good day. It was a bit cold so he took his light purple sweater that was a darker purple on the upper half part with darker purple sleeves that were pink at the end. He also had his black ripped jeans (except these were just ripped at the knees) and very dark purple belt that had 2 loops on the side of it, then he put his black and white sneakers on and walked out the window.

 He also had his black ripped jeans (except these were just ripped at the knees) and very dark purple belt that had 2 loops on the side of it, then he put his black and white sneakers on and walked out the window

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"I just wanna relax today, with hopefully no annoying kids and old guys. I don't really want to get out to get away, just to be alone and see...Nature I guess? I don't know, but i should be gone for 4 and a half hours." He starts walking towards the bus stop with his phone in his pocket, he doesn't have any specific place he wants to go to, the bus for him is just...Comforting, he doesn't have to hear anyone arguing, he doesn't have to hide what he really looks like, and most of the time, it's pretty quiet and calm on the bus. He pays the bus guy and heads to the spot he's always sat in. There's nobody to the left of him, but to the right
there's that white haired boy that he bumped into at the bus stop in the Kalmia Latifolia nation "Ah, you gotta be kidding me" he whispered to himself. He reluctantly sat down at his seat next to the boy, they were going to the tree park that was about 2 hours away considering traffic. The tree park is just a park that has trees/plants from every nation, all the seven nations have one of these but each one has information about their own Flower Tree. Maybe the boy was trying to learn more about this nation's power. "Oh hello" the boy said waving lightly, he was looking the other way when Hya sat down so he didn't notice him before. That's when Hyacinth noticed it was the person who bumped into him "You look kind of familiar, have we met before?" The boy said. "I was that person you bumped into at the Flower Tree the other day. You should watch where you're going." Hyacinth said stone faced. Then the boy nervously chuckled, "Oh-um I'm sorry about that. My name is Yu" he smiled. Hyacinth just stared at him for a few seconds "I'm...Cinth" he couldn't tell him his real name, or he might find out that he's the god's son,he knew he could've thought of a better name though. "That's a nice name! Are you also going to the park?" Hyacinth didn't reply, he gave him enough information already. "Oh ok...Don't talk much, eh? That's fine" Hyacinth wanted to be alone, so he acted like he was alone. A few minutes passed and Yu started waving his legs back and forth like a child. "I guess I'm going to walk around the park. Im really just hear to look out the window at the scenery." Hyacinth said. "Cool, I'm just going there to learn more about this nation." Yu seemed to smile a lot, he seemed happy all the time. "What an idiot. The plants here aren't even that good considered to other places. This entire nation is a fraud." Hyacinth thought. "Do you think you could tell me anything about this place?" Yu asked Hyacinth. Hyacinth usually doesn't talk to people this much, but traffic was pretty boring, and he thought if he talked to Yu enough he might shush."Well, this is the nation of lightning, even if lightning doesn't strike much. Im pretty sure that it strikes if the god, Hyacinthus, gets mad enough. Another thing about this place is that the people who were born here, can have their hair change color when it gets to cold in the winter. It's called the Cotton Candy Phenomenon" while he was talking, Yu was trying to remember everything he was saying, since he came to learn about the nation but he may have zoned out and looked out the window trying to spot any trees"Ya there?" Hyacinth looked behind himself real quick and turned back around. "O-oh yeah! I heard you, i was just trying to spot some flowers." Yu looked back at Hyacinth again. Hyacinth was still confused on why he was so happy about the nation. After a few minutes, traffic finally sped up, and they were on their way to the park again. After an hour passed, they arrived at the park and everyone got out of the bus. That's when "Cinth" had an idea, the park was pretty big and had a good amount of bushes, so to get away from the Yu kid he would run of to the other side of the park and hide behind a bush. "Now I can be alone for the next hour, thank the seven gods" he whispered as he watched Yu very confusingly look around for him. After he saw Yu stop looking for him, he quickly found a bench and sat down, exhausted from all the socializing that he barely ever does. He looked at his phone to see a text from his dad, it reads "Hey Hya, I want to talk to you, please come home as soon as you can." Hyacinth squinted his eyes, thinking he might be seeing something wrong but no, apparently Hyacinthus wanted to talk to him. He didn't reply to the text, he would get home whenever he got home. He rested his eyes for a few minutes and ended up falling asleep sitting up on the bench and got woken up by a familiar face "Cinth! Cinth! Wake up or you're gonna miss the bus back" it was Yu. Hyacinth looked around and saw it was almost dark, and he had two missed calls from his dad. "Wha- Did I fall asleep? How'd you find me?" He got up confused and saw that the bus already came back "never mind that, let's just catch the bus" Yu said. The bus was a bit away and the driver couldn't see them as they were looking at the people enter the bus, so both Hyacinth and Yu ended up running as fast as they could. Then Yu stopped for a bit "wai- wait I gotta catch my breath." He was panting, and out of breath pretty fast. Hyacinth grabbed Yu's hand and dragged him a little "I don't have time to be dragging you around, now run." Per Hyacinth's demand, Yu started running again but still kind of slow. Once they made it to the bus, they both very exhaustedly, and slowly, went to walk to their seats. Once they both got into the bus, everyone looked up at Yu and Hya as if they were crazy "I'm not with him" Hyacinth said while pointing at Yu "Hey! You would have missed the bus if I didn't help you." Hyacinth ignored Yu's comment and sat down in his seat. They both ended up falling asleep. When they got back to the bus stop, it was 12:15 and Hyacinth had to find a way to ditch Yu so he didn't know where he lived. "Oh wow it's really late, well I guess this is goodbye, Cinth. Cinth?" While Yu was looking at the time on his phone, Hyacinth quickly snuck behind a tree. He then walked to his house, slowly so nobody would hear him. When he got in his house, all lights were cut off and his parents were sleeping, I guess that talk Hyacinthus wanted to have with Hyacinth will have to wait till tomorrow.

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