Past and present

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10,000 years later, every god has their own nation with their own people and some with their very own element

Lotus was assigned the power of the seas.
Hyacinth was assigned the power of the raging skies light
Mountain Laurel was assigned the power of the wind

And every other god and their people just had their natural powers (which include manipulation of plants,healing effects on living things, can grow flowers out of their hands and hair, can live for up to 100 years) but poisonous nation's natural powers were a bit limited.

Cities, towns, all sorts of civilization thriving everywhere, even the toxin gods put their poison to use by getting rid of flys and other annoying insects, in their nations, toxic plant medicine is used to help stimulate the defensive mechanisms in cells. Everyone lived a normal and mostly healthy life. It's not like someone would eventually grow power hungry? Or want to be the strongest nation? Or try to collect a certain gods true power via Flower Tree? The Flower Trees are ginormous trees that stand in the middle of every nation, it contains the power of the gods and their assigned element (if they have one). They are never guarded, as the power of the gods curse anyone who dare to harm it, some of the trees posses more power than others, for example: The Nelumbo Nucifera tree (Lady Lotus's tree) holds the sea's power, natural power,and her power. Making the Nelumbo Nucifera tree the most powerful, Kalmia Latifolia (Mountain Laurel) tree the second most powerful since the poison in their plants are the most dangerous, making up for their limited natural power. The Hyacinthus tree (clearly Hyacinth's tree) is one of the weakest since the poison isn't to strong, and they got the least water out of everyone so the fact that they have lightning powers makes it to where they could get just a bit more water, but if the lightning goes out of control...The tree could be at risk of death. The only way for Hyacinthus to get more powerful would be to get more water

The Flowers of the Earth (mouhyasalihylo)Where stories live. Discover now