A Dream

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Victor was running very quickly as he was chased by Slayers. He fought them rapidly as he found himself getting tired. His sword was more like a rapidly vibrating silver strand in the air, he was fighting that quickly.

"Julie!! Mom!!!" he shouted. He entered a mall where Julies and Sarah had been left behind. He runs to every single store looking for his mom and sister. He reached a food counter, and opened a door behind the kitchen and immediately closed it. Julies and Sarah were sitting there quietly. 

"Mom? Julie?" asked Victor. He broke down to tears as he saw his mom and sister to be safe. He hugged them tightly as he sobbed onto their shoulders. Julies were relieved to see Victor alive.

"He told you were dead mom, he told you were dead," he cried.

"Are you Victor 2 or 1?" asked Julie 1.

"I'm Victor 1," he cried. 

"What happened? Tell us everything," said Sarah.


At the Beck's residence, the three men read the paper and Kenny walks out. Victors 1 and 2 sit silently. Victor 1 gets up.

"Wait," said Victor 2.

"What is it?" asked Victor 1, feeling something's wrong with Victor 2.

"I have to tell you something," said Victor 2.

"Go ahead."

"I thought that we could go back to your world," said Victor 2.

"Excuse me? You thought that we could go back to my world?" asked Victor 1, surprised.

"YOU DO NOT INTERRUPT ME WHEN I'M TALKING!!" shouted Victor 2. His eyes looked so dangerous that even the bravest person of the world would be terrified looking at. Victor 1 was obviously terrified, this was the true colors of Victor 2 he had always feared of not seeing ever in his life.

"After going to your world, I thought we could ask some scientist or doctor or some person like that to come back to this world and find a freaking cure for this, so that my mother and father could still be alive," he said, tears forming in his eyes.

"But your father is still alive," said Victor 1.

"HE IS NOT MY FATHER, HE IS YOUR FATHER!" shouted Victor 2 again.

"But..." said Victor 1.


"But he wanted to save you also," said Victor 1. "Even I'm sad that you're parents died man, they were my parents too, how can I......how can I not be sad when my parents die?" he asked, his voice cracking as he almost started crying.

"I don't care about what you feel, but I want him to feel the same pain I'm going through now," said Victor 2. "Your mother and sister are still alive," he continued. Victor 1 is shocked. He starts losing his temper.

"Are you saying that you LEFT MY MOTHER AND SISTERS AMONG THOSE BEASTS?! WHY?!" Victor 1 shouted.

"I'm not leaving them alone, I'm leaving you here as well," said Victor 2, with a crooked smile. 

"What?" asked Victor 1. He was suddenly hit by a rod on the head by Victor 2, and he blacked out...

When he regained consciousness, he was tied up to a chair, with his mouth gagged.

"You're not going to stop me, I want your father to feel the same pain of losing someone he loved," said Victor 2.

There's no point in doing this, dad loves you as much as he loves me, said Victor 1.

"There's no point in you talking, I'm not leaving you," said Victor 2.

At least help Julie 2, she's your own sister, pleaded Victor 1.

"No, she was too noble to agree with me on punishing your father," he said. With this said, he leaves the room. Victor 1 tries to shout through his gags, which are heard by nobody. Victor 2 closes the door of the room and leaves, hoping to never see Victor 1 again.

*****THE END*****

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