Return Ticket

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"Where did he go?" asked Kenny.

"No idea," said Victor 1." What do we do now?"

"We'll go now I guess, he'll probably be back by the time we return," said Kenny. 

"I don't like the idea of leaving him behind, but fine let's go," agreed Victor. They opened the garage door, and are shocked to know that there was a heavy downpour, and is still raining very badly. 

"This isn't the time for rains," said Kenny, annoyed at the bad weather. He hated rains.

He didn't seem to have a purpose of going back to his world without his daughters, son or wife and he wouldn't have gone, if it weren't for Victor 1. He had always thought of Victor 2 and Julie 2 as his own family, and had thought of multiple things to tell people about the mystery behind two Victors and two Julies. He forced himself to change his thoughts, and successfully, he cleared his mind. It was hard to drive through the rains. Slayers were running around madly thanks to the rain, which seemed to agitate them. Kenny tried his best to avoid running over Slayers. He felt guilty about not trying more to save his wife and daughters. The car suddenly hit a Slayer, throwing him meters away. They entered the city as they found the water to be a few centimeters above the ground. 

"I have never seen this happen," said Victor 1.

"Me too," said Kenny, having a very bad feeling about the rain. The car suddenly turned off and it moved forward a bit, eventually stopping a few yards away. Kenny tries to power the engine, which revs but never turns on.

"Let's get down, how far is the airport from here?" asked Kenny. Victor looks at his phone.

"Twenty miles," he said. 

"We have almost a two and a half days left, we'll make it even if we walk for it, come let's go," replied Kenny. They start jogging, Victor having his bag on his shoulders, a sword grip poking out of it, a gun in his left hand and a phone in his right. Kenny had just a sword, he didn't even bother carrying his bag which had some other stuff. They were drenched in seconds, but they didn't have a choice beside going out. The sound of the rain falling into the flooded roads was deafening and annoying at the same time. After running for almost twenty minutes straight, Victor stopped.

"Let's take a break," he said. Kenny nodded. They both ran to an apartment they saw nearby, and sat there for a while.

"I'll check whether there's any car nearby," said Kenny, who didn't want rest. Victor tried stopping him but Kenny dashed out. Few minutes later, after Victor caught his breath, Kenny came back, running.

"You found something?" asked Victor. Kenny shook his head. 

"I barely escaped from some Slayers," he said, panting. Victor's eyes which were behind Kenny widened.

"You didn't," said Victor. Kenny turned to look back, and saw dozens of Slayers outside the entrance of the apartment. Victor shot a Slayer who almost had his jaws near Kenny, as he scrambled backwards in fear. Kenny runs forward and pulls Victor up, and both of them dash up the flight of stairs in the apartment. They see a five storeyed building adjacent to the one they're in through the windows beside the stairs. Victor looks at Kenny.

"When we reach the sixth," he said. Victor nodded. They climb rapidly and reach a level higher than the building. The Slayers are two levels below them. Victor runs and jumps, safely landing on the building's roof. Kenny jumps and would have fallen to his death if Victor hadn't held his hand in the nick of time. He pulled Kenny up and they both start running over the apartment roofs. Slayers jump out of the window; half falling downwards over other Slayers on the flooded roads that are chasing the men and the other half landing over the apartment. Slayers come from the apartments to the roofs.

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