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"Never do that again," said Sarah. She was really shaken by her husband and sons going out in the open to fight the Slayers. She was forbidding them from going on train rides.

"Did this happen for the first time?" asked Julie 1. Victor 2 nodded.

"Why do you think it happened?" asked Julie 1.

"Pure coincidence, those things for sure are not at all intelligent to control trains. Or else it might be that some survivor group must've tried to use the train when some Slayers attacked them and the train lost control," Victor 2 listed the possibilities. 

"Where did you get all these weapons from?" asked Victor 1.

"Oh, we stole them from the army, they were pretty much useless after Sleepy Slayers started so survivors created their own army by themselves," said Victor 2. 

"How did you learn to drive trains?" asked Julie 1.

"You don't know what all we went through to get here to safety, we literally stayed inside plane cockpits with the pilots just so that Slayers don't slay us," said Julie 2.

"So you know to fly a plane too?" asked Victor 1, wide eyed.

"Yeah, but it's not an easy task," Victor 2 said. For some reason, they didn't talk anymore. They slowly started falling asleep. Victor 2 didn't want to sleep, but soon his tiredness defeated his determination to not sleep.


Victor, Julie, Sarah and Kenny were running. They had guns in their hands and bags on their shoulders. They were chased by dozens of Slayers, and the four occasionally turned back to shoot some of them. They ran faster as they saw a big wall in a distance; a survivors' camp. They didn't bother to look back. As they reached near the camp, a man on a tower inside the camp observed them. He signals a guy near the gate. The family of four reach the gates, which open for a very short time-enough time for them to get in. The Slayers followed them to the gates but weren't let through. The family of four given a small tent, and food, water, clothes and other supplies. Suddenly, they heard loud sirens.

"SLAYERS HAVE BROKEN INTO THE CAMP, I REPEAT, SLAYERS HAVE BROKEN IN TO THE CAMP", boomed a voice through the speakers. Julie takes her gun and loads it. Sarah places her hand over Julie's.

"You can't shoot here, others can get hurt because of guns," she said. Julie kept her gun on the floor and takes a knife from her bag. The other three also take their knives and get ready to fight, though they had no idea what to expect.  Julie didn't know how to fight with a knife, the maximum she had used a knife was to stab a Slayer who was held by her brother and father. Kenny moves the tent cloth a bit to see what's happening. Hundreds of Slayers killing and getting killed by uninfected humans, was what he saw. Terrified, he retreated back into the tent.

"This is too much, we can't handle this. The camp won't survive," he said in defeat.

"We can't let this happen, we just can't sit back and accept defeat when others are trying hard to survive, they need our help," said Sarah.

"We're just four people, how would it matter among thousands?" asked Victor.

"Everybody counts Vic, everybody," said Kenny. "Let's go, you're right Sarah." They go out to fight the Slayers. Initially, Julie and Victor found it difficult to fight such violent humans with knifes just half the size of their arms, but later got used to it. All they had to do mostly was dodge the Slayers' attacks, hold them for a second and stab them before another comes. Kenny and Sarah fought brilliantly, it were as if they were trained for combat with knives. Julie and Victor were fighting together, when slowly, without realizing it, they got surrounded by Slayers. Kenny and Sarah notice this. They run to their children, praying that they aren't bitten yet. Julie and Victor try their best but they're failing; the number of Slayers around them is increasing exponentially. Kenny and Sarah stab the Slayers and get to Victor and Julie. The four fight, but suddenly a roaring Slayer jumps towards Julie. She hears the roar and turns back. She watches in horror as her dad jumps and pushes the Slayer away, who bites Kenny on the shoulder...

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