Kinetic Theory Of Worlds

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The three men drove in silence till they reached the Beck's Residence. They were too tough now to cry for the women that they lost. They all had anger and grief at the same time. Kenny was remorseful for his decision of staying away from his family, he would have protected them by sacrificing his life. Victor 1 felt like everything now was pointless, there was no point of him surviving and going back to his world where he doesn't have his mother or sister. Victor 2 had it the worst. He had lost his father, his mother(twice) and his sisters(again, twice). They distracted themselves from these thoughts by thinking about what might be the possibilities that their grandfather's work would help them. Victor 1 knew his grandfather was good in physics and stuff but never knew that he had worked with Stephen Hawking and had a theory about Interdimensional travel. Victor 1 felt weird coming to his grandparents' house without his mother or sister with him, or his grandma to welcome him. 

"What happened to them?" asked Victor 1. In his world, his grandfather was no more and his grandmother lived in the Beck's Residence.

"Grandpa died few years back, we don't know what happened to grandma, we tried contacting her after the infection started but she never responded, and then we were too occupied with protecting ourselves that we couldn't come here and check her safety," said Victor 2. They slowly walked forward, guns raised. 

"Where's your gun dad?" asked Victor 1.

"Oh, I ran out of bullets, so it would be just extra baggage to carry it around," said Kenny. Victors checked their bags. They had the last couple of magazines, and then they too would soon run out of bullets. 

"Did you guys eat something?" asked Kenny.

"No, couldn't think of that when Slayers are around," said Victor 1.

"Yeah, exactly," agreed Victor 2. 

They opened the door of the house. It looked old, as if nobody had come here since months. 

"If she isn't here, where is she?" asked Victor 1. They continued walking, opened every door to every room. They tried opening the door of the kitchen, but it was locked from inside. They tried hard, but didn't work. The three men broke open the door, to find that there were many furniture kept behind the door to prevent anyone from opening it, a bed, a chair, and Mrs Beck, sitting on the chair, perfectly a human.

"Grandma!" exclaimed Victors. They were finally happy to know that their grandmother was alive.

"Ah Victor-wait, who's this? I never knew you had a twin," said Mrs Beck, startled by seeing two Victors. 

"Ok this might sound crazy, but, he's me from another world," said Victor 2.

"Another world?" asked Mrs Beck, like a deer in headlights. She had been surprised enough by her husband's weird theories but this was something much worse. She let the fact digest, and after three minutes of deep thinking, she found her voice.

"Where were you? Where have you been? Where's your mother and sister?" asked Mrs Beck. They sat down, as they started telling their stories; Victor 1 from when they started in John F Kennedy Airport, and Victor 2, from when he and his sister start running away from his home, after the infection started. They took turns narrating the part from when both of them came together, and cried for a long time when they spoke about every deaths that occurred in their journey. Mrs Beck had tears in her eyes, but tried her best to not let them flow. They told her their plan of using their grandfather's theory, which made her smile. She was proud that besides being a usual grandparent who gave their grandchildren good memories in childhood, her husband was helping them travel between two universes.

"Come with us grandma, it's not safe for you here," said Victor 1.

"No dear, I can't, I'm too old," said Mrs Beck." If I come with you now, it would be a burden for you and all of us will die, I'll just stay here and watch my plants grow till my death. I have enough food and water supplies for almost two weeks, and if I don't get out of here then I would be very safe over here."

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