chapter 42 out of love

ابدأ من البداية

*Aoi rang a small bell making momo flinch immediately she stiffened up and got quiet holding her hands and looking at the ground*

Momo:sorry for my outburst father...

*Momo sat down as they watched the video together Aoi turned around and looked at the window*

Aoi:momo have i not been a... generous father?

Momo:ye..yes father you've been most generous!

Aoi:i mean i agreed to let you see that common boy instead of the Todoroki contract and look where that got us

Momo:but father the video...!

*Aoi rang the bell again making momo quiet*

Aoi:real fake do you think that matters? Either way it will hurt the Company if this goes out to the public oh wait it already did and the yaoyorozu stock are taking a nosedive all because you choose that common boy over someone like the todoroki's and it's time to make things right

Momo:father you can't mean...!

Aoi;oh but i do you'll break of this silly engagement and will go with the todoroki we need there money and power in order to save the yaoyorozu legacy

Momo:but father i don't love shoto!

Aoi:do you think love has anything to do with this?

*Momo looked at her father in shocked as he turned his chair to look at her his cold calculating eyes making her shrink under his gaze*

Aoi: Do you think your mother loves me? No but she knows the benefits it comes from being a yaoyorozu i expect an answer by tomorrow you are dismissed

*Momo got up and walked away knowing better then to argue with him*


*Momo heard the knock on her door and sighed knowing who it was*

Momo:not now mother

*Momo's mother came in anyway she looked around and gave a low whistle looking at Momo's now destroyed room*

Hannya:my look at this you certainly know how to throw a tantrum

Momo:tantrum TANTRUM?!! Father is making me call of the engagement, with izuku!!

Hannya:honey he's the traitor we've seen all the prove you've seen all the proof

Momo:i keep telling you it's fake!!

Hannya: we had it investigated none of it was fake as far as our investigators could tell you think 100 people were wrong

Momo:y...yes they....they...!!

*Momo started to cry breaking down before she collapsed on the ground her mother caught her and hugged her*

Hannya:i know it hurts honey....

Momo:he can't be the traitor mom he just can't! I...i...i love him! How could he ever do something so horrible to me!? He said he loves me!

Hannya;people so horrible things to get there way honey it breaks me to see you like this it really does but you were played we all were i loved izuku too as a son and he choose to abandoned your love that was his choice to make but your not alone honey you have my love and your father's love

*Momo gave a wet scoff as hannya cleans Momo's tears*

Hannya:i know he may seem cruel but in his own way he's just showing you his love he wants what's best for you

Momo:he wants what's best for the yaoyorozu not me

Hannya:momo once your father steps down you will be the next head and Todoroki can give you everything you need right now everything we all need in order to save our family name and more importantly your broken heart won't you give shot a chance at least? He's the one who's been texting you every day to make sure your ok he's the one who sents you flowers and gifts he has proven he only wants to make you happy

Momo:why are you so set in making me forget about izuku so fast

Hannya;I'm your mother momo i only want to make you happy don't you want to be happy?

Momo: I'll.... I'll think about it...

*Hannya smiled and hugged her daughter tighter*

Hannya: excellent choice momo you'll see in time that choosing the Todoroki was the right thing you've saved our family and i promise you you'll come to love shot Todoroki

*Hannya kissed Momo's forehead and walked away leaving momo alone once she was alone momo covered her mouth and started to cry*

*Hannya kissed Momo's forehead and walked away leaving momo alone once she was alone momo covered her mouth and started to cry*

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*to mourn really at the death of her relationship with Izuku*


Eri:well I'm waiting what other things did you hide from me?!

*Momo flinched and looked at Eri this was the time for her to choose will she repeat the cycle of her parents or will she tell the truth either way Eri was sure to be hurt*

*Momo sighed and sat down on the table and gestured Eri to sit down with her Eri does so reluctantly* know i love you and...yes I've....kept things from you things that i thought you were too young to understand but believe me when i say i did it out of love and....oh magneto help me i hope I'm doing the right thing....a week ago car broke down in the middle of the highway and someone came to help me


Momo:eri.....that person was....your father

To be continued

Bonus flashback with Momo's parents

*after helping momo see in to reason Hannya walked to her husband home office and sat down in front of her husband*

Hannya; it's done i hope your proud of yourself

*Aoi didn't even spare her wife a glance*

Aoi:i am a parent must do what's best for there child even if it mean you break there hearts

Hannya:for your daughter or for your name?

Aoi:....we're done here

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi


José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Abhinav Puri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy


Jameil fluker



For you're donations thanks again

The mechanic (Old Version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن