Bonus: Sleeping Girl

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Sorry I haven't actually updated in a while. I made a few spelling fixes in a previous chapter, but this is the first new chapter in a few months. I'm trying to get back into writing, I just need to transition back into Black Clover a bit.

This chapter goes back a bit. It's about what happened after Alvie fell asleep. It's also a bit short.

If you could be any sea creature, what would it be? I would be a jellyfish. Jellyfish get to float around all day, don't have very many predators, and some of them are deadly. Is it strange that I get drawn to deadly things? I think they're very fun to learn about.


The first thing Yami, the kid, and the royal saw in the base was a delinquent fighting with a maniac. A scantly-dressed women was downing bottles of alcohol. A quiet man was taking notes of his friends. A large person sat in a corner blowing out smoke. A man with a nose-bleed was staring at a photo. A petite girl was eating a ton of food while some sheep made more.

A very standard sight for the Black Bulls.

"All of you QUITE BREAKING STUFF!!!" Yami yelled while creating a hole in the wall behind him. The room went quiet for a moment before the members all crowded around their captain and friends.

"Welcome back Yami sir!"

"Let's fight!"

"Have some food, la!"


"Can I visit Marie now?"

"Captain! Let's drink!"

"*whispered* Welcome back my friends."

"I'm glad to see you all missed me. Now shut up." Yami told his noisy brats. They momentarily went silent after that.

"Captain, who is this?" the women who was drinking, Vanessa, asked. She was looking at the little girl slung over Yami's shoulder.

Miraculously, Alvie didn't wake up from the racket. She was either a heavy sleeper or extremely tired. Yami guessed it was the latter from her previous behavior. It wouldn't make much sense for a child on the run to sleep peacefully very often.

"This is Alvie, the wandering kid everyone's been talking about. She's staying here with us 'till Julius says otherwise." Yami announced.

"She really is just a kid." The delinquent, Magna, said after observing her.

"She seems really strong. Can I fight her?" The maniac, Luck, asked.

"*whispered* I hope we can become friends." The quiet man, Gordon said.

"Would she like some food, la?" The petite girl, Charmy, asked. She held a muffin above her head.

"She'll never be as cute as Marie." Declared the man with the nose bleed, Gauche, as he continued staring at the picture.

"..." The large person, Grey, just blew out some more smoke.

"Let her rest. The midget's had enough for today." Yami told them. "Where's Final?"

"He's probably out with another girl again." Vanessa answered.

"I need him to take me to the capital tomorrow. Hey kid."

"Yes, Yami sir!?" Asta answered, curious of what the captain wants him to do.

"Find a spare room and put the midget in it." Yami said, handing the girl off to him. "I need to take a dump."

Yami walked off, leaving the rest of the gathered member behind. Asta held Alvie gently, still processing what Yami told him to do.

"Come on, Asta, there should be a spare room this way." Magna said to the boy. He then started walking towards the hallway that lead to the rooms.

"Right." Asta said, still a bit confused, but he followed Magna none the less.

"She's so cute." Vanessa said. "Her clothes are pretty worn down though."

"She'll never be cuter than Marie." Gauche declared for the second time.

"Hey Noelle," Vanessa started. "Let's go to the royal city tomorrow. We can pick out some new clothes for her."

"Sure." Noelle agreed, slightly excited by the possibility of dressing the girl up. She would never admit it out loud though.

"I'll make her some yummy food! La!" Said Charmy, ready to make anything for the clearly malnourished girl.

"..." Grey just blew out more steam again.

"Do you think she'll fight me?" Luck asked no one in particular.

"*Whispered* I'll start making a doll of my new friend." Gordon said, although no one could hear him. He then walked away to his room, planning out the materials he needs.

It's safe to say all of the Black Bulls who saw Alvie are eager to get to know her more, except for maybe Gauche.

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