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No, this story is not discontinued.

Last semester I found out I had ADHD, which led to a bunch of other problems. It was really stressful, so I didn't have the motivation to write much. Hopefully writing this will be a sign that I'll be back to writing again soon.

I really don't like writing A/N's, but I think you guys deserve an update of some sort. I completely understand that some people (myself included) find them very annoying.

Thank you so much for your patience. I know it can be frustrating finding a story you (hopefully) like, and then not getting any updates for a long time. You are all amazing.

If you have any ideas for this story, please share them. I didn't have a solid story line thought out when I started writing this. I just wanted to have some fun thinking of ways the magic system itself works. And what better way to express that than by creating a story?

Stay safe! If you can't stay safe, stay smart! If you can't stay smart, stay home! If you can't stay home, then go somewhere that makes you feel a bit more comfortable.


Magic Explorer (Black Clover)Where stories live. Discover now